Connecting Dots...Who are there TRAITORS among our U.S. foreign Diplomats?

It seems there have been steps taken to remove American diplomats from both Russia and North Korea. I find it curious that it is happening with this administration....and not the last. It would be interesting to investigate the loyalty and corruption of these individuals. Perhaps this is a very good thing for all countries involved, in spite on outward appearances.

Considering these homes and municipal buildings have been occupied by U.S. citizens since "the Soviet Era", it draws suspicion that they remained as everything around them collapsed. Especially since the soviets were our sworn enemies. Anyone else find that curious?

Apparently in Russia, the Americans were locked out of their municipal buildings, for two days, after shady trucks arrived to remove everything. According to the Kremlin, this was a breach of international law. I later listened to David Hodge's report and he mentioned that all American visas to North Korea would be revoked in September. Well, who is over there site seeing these days? I would assume this will only effect diplomats.

Three U.S. diplomats were expelled from Venezuela 3 years ago. Look at the state of that country now. Were they punished for that? Made an example of? Could it be due to the meddling of these diplomats...or am off base and it's all coincidental? If there's truth to these it in the best interest of the American people? Obviously, No.

Considering all the "pay for play" of the Clinton Foundation (and others) that was recently revealed....I think investigations and suspensions of those {who bought there way} should take place immediately, and hopefully already are. As a matter of fact, all federal employees with dual citizens to anywhere...should also be looked at, closely. I have a more optimistic view of what's really going on with all of this. I'd be curious what others think about this mess.

"Russian meddling"? Perhaps. I personally thought God stepped in. Whoever meddled....Thank you.


(I am against the death penalty....but, that won't be for me to decide)


(and NOW....Coincidence?)

Russia: Vehicles leave US embassy dachas in Serebryany Bor as Moscow responds to sanctions

Russian Convoy Arrives at US Embassy in Moscow in Retaliation for Sanctions 7/31/17

North Korea--(passports revoked)

U.S. diplomats denied access to Moscow summer house
(link below)


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