Feeling the Bern Burns

Hear Ye Hear Ye

The other day I listened to an economics "expert" on the radio attempt to explain how taxing the super rich more is a fallacious ideology. His argument was that this approach has failed repeatedly and already been repealed in the progressive European countries that tested this theory. He also stated that the elite rich such as the Bezos of the world have most of their assets tied up in their companies, and that businesses like amazon, which employ tens of thousands of people will be negatively impacted if the boss man is hit with more taxes. His conclusion is based on a position which proposes that taxing these giants more than the current 21% they're taxed federally will only serve to stifle productivity and end up hurting the masses that depend on Amazon or Microsoft like mega companies.

He further explained that when combined with state taxes these businesses end up paying as much or more than corporations in most other countries. He also believes that raising taxes won't work how people think it will because of the plethora of manipulative ways a business can shift it's money around to avoid the tax hike. One such example he cited was that Bezos could simply buy up farm land and enjoy write offs and subsidies that would counter any higher taxes imposed on him directly.

He was asked why billionaires like Warren Buffet are vocal about being willing to pay more and accept the Bernie Sanders approach? His reply was that they're simply mistaken.. That's a pretty bold claim if you ask me. To think Mr.Buffet doesn't understand economics and would funnel his money to a flawed principle is mystifying. I do echo this analysts sentiment that giving the federal government more money to play with doesn't give any guarantees that the funds would end up being responsibly spent to improve healthcare or education.

I can also agree on some of his other points, namely how the allure of corporate escapism has already led to many booms and busts in developing nations and that these fly by night exploitations certainly don't benefit any majorities in the long run. It's just too damn easy for corporations to conglomerate and put their "multinational" profits into tax shelters. It's also no problem for many companies to relocate manufacturing to Vietnam, Bangladesh, or a fill in the blank developing nation.. In the specific case of amazon however, relocation isn't possible as Ali Baba isn't going anywhere and amazon doesn't have any market share in Asia.

Basically, all I'm saying is that this taxation issue along with immigration and climate change are again the usual hot bed political issues and the USA just proved that they're not yet ready to buy into what is essentially the antithesis of Trumpism. They also foolishly preferred Hilary over Bernie last election and this weak predictable move backfired royaly.

As the saying goes "fortune favours the bold" and I don't see many emboldened liberally inclined Americans. Perhaps the ever popular Christian values have duped the masses into believing that the meek shall inherit the Earth. Thus, they're content in fooling themselves into a grand delusion that their apathy in the face of lies and corruption from both aisles will get them a golden ticket to some imaginary utopia where nature doesn't find a balance, but instead rewards the side that idly sits back as their pig headed overlords impose their will on the world. Nature always finds a balance and fighting that current will prove to be catastrophic.I believe the idea that the meek shall inherit the earth is intended to imply that in the end those that lust for power will be humbled by a far greater force than they could ever imagine..

I see one candidate in the race that is humble and despite having had a life long career in politics is truly the outsider and not controlled by an egotistical desire to be a ruler. I've been feeling the Bern for many years now and I'm as aware as Bernie likely is himself that the world is not ready for him.

In a fantasy world where he is elected the gesture would be mostly symbolic and hopefully serve as a stepping stone towards building a government for the people by the people.. IMG_1039.JPG


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