What would you write if you wrote to parliament? Now is your chance!


Dear Sir/Madam.

I formally request proof that you are a legitimate government and I want it in writing.

And now I offer my thoughts regarding you.

We the people have lost all faith in you as an establishment and demand devolution.

Through your fake Fiat monetary system you have plundered the middle east by bombs without even asking us the people if we support these dubious decisions/actions. You via your crony friends in corporations you have killed and maimed by the millions, and not in my name.

You have forgotten your title, it is "civil servant" though by the way you prance around in the limelight, you seem to think you are rock stars or actors, the latter you most certainly are, as you act as if we have a democracy, oh what a woke joke that notion is.

1 million people or more marched in London against the Iraq war, you still did it anyway though didn't YOU. Via the other medium we no longer trust, named the mainstream media you promoted weapons of mass destruction that we all now know never existed.

We are fed up of your lies, your never being willing to answer a simple question with an honest and straight forward answer. Lies, deceit and deception is the name of your game, mix in some false flag terrorist incidents for good measure and divide us at will as you DO.

Fear porn merchants should be your real titles, not lords, ladies or MP's. Right honorable my arse.

We want your make believe government to disappear faster than it appeared. We want your fake paper money gone too. Stick your never ending quantitative easing where the sun does not shine.

Your little dictators called policeman also forgot their title of public servants, & that they were entrusted by us the public who pay their and your wage via taxation with the aim meant to be "protect and serve the public".

The goodwill is gone for both of you.

Now with your deranged political correctness if you get your vehicle stolen or home burglarised, you find the police too busy to assist or find the culprit as they are instead attending peoples homes to tell them to "check their thinking" with regards to some comment online that has offended one of the offended all the time generation.

No longer will we the people put up with your make believe and lies, no longer will we the people put up with your endless taxation, living for free off the back of us who bother to work, make vehicles, be industrious whilst you claim expenses, free food, 2 homes, and get drunk for free at the house of lords and parliament.

Devolution is the name of this game, no matter if you like it or not, we want you and your fake system gone.

We all know now the web you have made full of useless people who just talk and add no value to our society, from the WHO to the UN, to the EU bureaucrats, you have all had your free ride for far too long.

If you were the emperor you truly do have no clothes.

The curtain has been lifted, and we see you pulling all the strings, we have sharp scissors and knives, we can cut the strings anytime we like, & that time is NOW.

You can also stick your plandemic where the sun does not shine, the science has been proven that it just like you is up for sale to the highest bidder, as we have seen with Bill gates jetting around the globe with needle and vaccine in hand, we all know his foundations invest in big pharma, and you stating you were working with a software engineer to make a vaccine/virus to inject in us all was the last straw.

You can also tell Neil Ferguson to go forth and not bother multiplying, time and time again that fraud for sale has been wrong, but it was never about a virus in the first place was it, it was about fear, division and control.

You abandoned the old, weak and disabled in the hope they would die so you do not have to pay the as you call them "useless eaters" pensions.

You abandoned the sick people, those dying of cancer, and any other serious disease, shed 30% of NHS staff, whilst playing the game of mock the victim by getting people to clap on their doorstep for the very people who no longer treated them.

We know you have manipulated the figures and anyone even being found dead from a stabbing is now "covid-19 plandemic hoax" we are not as stupid as you seem to think.

The lock down has killed more people than it saved from your fake virus. So you can go to the Bilderberg group this year and tell them they are no longer of use too.

The level of resentment towards us working people As Boris wrote from you people who self titled yourselves the "elite" is easy to see, feel & read.

As Boris wrote "the British working class are Useless, drunk, criminal, aimless, feckless & hopeless. With their ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive & illegitimate children" Spectator 1995.

I offer a thought to you frauds in return, "the only bastards I see are in government!".

There are 99.9% of us and 0.01 of you, you forgot that, but you are not very good with figures anyway are you!.

Hows about that?

Peace and out.

The despicable creatures email list is below.

diane.abbott.office@parliament.uk nigel.adams.mp@parliament.uk adam.afriyie.mp@parliament.uk nickie.aiken.mp@parliament.uk rushanara.ali.mp@parliament.uk mike.amesbury.mp@parliament.uk fleur.anderson.mp@parliament.uk stuart.anderson.mp@parliament.uk caroline.ansell.mp@parliament.uk abrahamsd@parliament.uk bim.afolami.mp@parliament.uk imran.mp@parliament.uk peter.aldous.mp@parliament.uk tahir.ali.mp@parliament.uk rosena.allinkhan.mp@parliament.uk
amessd@parliament.uk lee.anderson.mp@parliament.uk stuart.andrew.mp@parliament.uk tonia.antoniazzi.mp@parliament.uk edward.argar.mp@parliament.uk jon.ashworth.mp@parliament.uk sarah.atherton.mp@parliament.uk Victoria@victoriaatkins.org.uk gareth.bacon.mp@parliament.uk richardbaconmp@parliament.uk kemi.badenoch.mp@parliament.uk shaun.bailey.mp@parliament.uk siobhan.baillie.mp@parliament.uk duncan.baker.mp@parliament.uk steve.baker.mp@parliament.uk harriett.baldwin.mp@parliament.uk stephen.barclay.mp@parliament.uk hannah.bardell.mp@parliament.uk paula.barker.mp@parliament.uk baronj@parliament.uk simon.baynes.mp@parliament.uk margaret.beckett.mp@parliament.uk apsana.begum.mp@parliament.uk aaron.bell.mp@parliament.uk bennh@parliament.uk scott.benton.mp@parliament.uk annie.winsbury@parliament.uk jake.berry.mp@parliament.uk officeofclivebettsmp@parliament.uk saqib.bhatti@parliament.uk mhairi.black.mp@parliament.uk ian.blackford.mp@parliament.uk bob.blackman.mp@parliament.uk kirsty.blackman.mp@parliament.uk olivia.blake.mp@parliament.uk paul.blomfield.mp@parliament.uk crispinbluntmp@parliament.uk bonep@parliament.uk steven.bonnar.mp@parliament.uk bottomleyp@parliament.uk andrew.bowie.mp@parliament.uk tracy.brabin.mp@parliament.uk ben.bradley.mp@parliament.uk karen.bradley.mp@parliament.uk bradshawb@parliament.uk altsale@parliament.uk mickey.brady.mp@parliament.uk suella.braverman.mp@parliament.uk brennank@parliament.uk jack.brereton.mp@parliament.uk andrew.bridgen.mp@parliament.uk steve.brine.mp@parliament.uk paul.bristow.mp@parliament.uk sara.britcliffe.mp@parliament.uk deidre.brock.mp@parliament.uk james.brokenshire.mp@parliament.uk alan.brown.mp@parliament.uk brownl@parliament.uk nickbrownmp@parliament.uk anthony.browne.mp@parliament.uk fiona.bruce.mp@parliament.uk bryantc@parliament.uk felicity.buchan.mp@parliament.uk buckk@parliament.uk alex.burghart.mp@parliament.uk richard@richardburgon.com conor.burns.mp@parliament.uk dawn.butler.mp@parliament.uk rob.butler.mp@parliament.uk ian.byrne.mp@parliament.uk byrnel@parliament.uk alun.cairns.mp@parliament.uk amy.callaghan.mp@parliament.uk lisa.cameron.mp@parliament.uk alan.campbell.mp@parliament.uk fieldingm@parliament.uk dan.carden.mp@parliament.uk carmichaela@parliament.uk andy.carter.mp@parliament.uk james.cartlidge.mp@parliament.uk cashw@parliament.uk miriam.cates.mp@parliament.uk maria.caulfield.mp@parliament.uk alex.chalk.mp@parliament.uk wendy.chamberlain.mp@parliament.uk

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