They ruined my country! Hope they like the mess they have now! UK special.................... not Politically correct.


The leaches within.

If by now you do not believe corporations run the world, and sit above governments, time to think again! I aim to prove it right here - right now.

The UK or not so united kingdom is a prime example of corporate power in oh so many ways. When Trump says there are no go zones in the UK for white people, and the government and media in the west claim it to be a joke, it is much much closer to the truth than their blatant lies and attempts to smear what Trump says, Trump is right, they are wrong, full stop.

I had my skull depressed fractured in Smethwick, Birmingham, walking home from a party one night, what did I do? I was white!

By the time the ambulance picked me up off the path, and I woke up in hospital, they counted 36 yes 36 hammer blows to my head, back, knees, elbows and everywhere else. The last thing I remembered were 4 Muslims running down the road at me and 2 friends, the other 2 got away, as I stood my ground. They even stamped on my face while I lay bleeding on the floor, my eyes, the whites of turned black filled with blood.

These animals hunt in packs, and with weapons. One had a hammer, 1 a musical note reading stand, that is what cracked my skull. 1 had a crow bar, and 1 a metal post.

These are the low paid replacements for all of us. These are the chosen ones you see, easily submissive, easily divided from society, creating a perfect storm of none integration for politicians to carry on running away with the money. We called them "the invaders"..........................


Watch and learn.

People like George Soros say we need these invaders in the EU, he has openly stated such on video, you can find it on youtube, I am not lowering the tone of my post by putting that maggot mans video on here.

They are more than useful idiots you see. Whilst the government does the odd false flag or 3, it is always a Muslim who is the patsy. Yet they let them in by the millions, and boy do they breed, I did say this was going to be None PC did I not?

The cost of globalism and cheap labor is a ruin to local community, anyone like me that has the funds to escape the nanny state that is the UK, does and has done so. They are so paranoid, the government in the UK - that it is "THE" most surveiled country in the world, there are cameras everywhere, if you fart, they know.

Want to see how this native people replacement experiment is going? come on then lets take a ride.

A Look Inside Britain's Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal
By Janet Levy

For the past few decades, British authorities have been caught up in the pervasive meme of multiculturalism -- the falsehood that all cultures are equal and that to believe otherwise is to commit the worst modern day offense -- to be “racist.”

Under this fallacy, the British government in 2001 introduced a series of restrictive speech codes that criminalized criticism of Islam, followed by a Racial and Religious Hatred Bill imposing fines and even imprisonment for speech that “incited hatred against a person for their religious or racial background.”

These laws have victimized a number of Britons. Hoteliers Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang were prosecuted for “insulting” a Muslim guest. Liberty Great Britain party chairman Paul Weston was arrested on suspicion of racial harassment after publicly reading a passage critical of Muslims from Winston Churchill’s The River War. Dr. Vladislav Rogozov, a Czech-born, UK cardiac anesthesiologist, is being investigated by Sheffield's Royal Hallamshire Hospital for giving an online interview about his 2013 confrontation with a Muslim surgeon who refused to replace her blood-specked hijab with the prescribed, operating-theater headgear.

In this context and political climate, with racism conflated with religion – one specific religion – it is easy to see how government and public service employees would fear professional and legal repercussions (up to seven years in prison) merely for speaking up about criminal behavior by Muslims who justify their actions citing the Koran. In this way, teachers, police, child care workers, government officials and others have been silent about the growing menace of Muslim gangs who sexually groom and exploit children in the UK.

Muslim grooming gangs eh!

Lets see where this is being done shall we, they target underage girls and groom them for sex with hundreds of Muslim men you see. (It is against the law obviously)

I could keep going all night!

This is the native people replacement idea, this is the multicultural world they want everyone to be in. Globalism is the fancy title for it, and they waved banners did the women, with migrants welcome, hows it going now PC ladies and your liberal disease?

Working out well for some I guess, unless you are a native, that has been stripped of your rights to fight back or to even mention this sick society they created. Sweden is now the rape capital of the EU courtesy of this liberal disease.

Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa. Source

It is one thing to be a liberal thinker, and another to let your country rot in hell!

I have nothing against open society, and integrated people, I also have nothing against people from other nations coming and going as they want. Though as a brit abroad that does not rape women, has integrated, lives with the people of the country, abides by their rules, treats them with the respect they deserve. I have nothing but contempt for those who choose a violent and sexual rapists path, that think they are somehow above the law, aided and abetted by government all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................

For every man that does not stand up, I say shame on you, it might be your wife or child next. And for those that simply do not care due to being other ways inclined, never forget, these animals will rape you too.........

I make the tough posts so you do not have to.

@shepz1 drops the mic and is over and out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image pixabay.

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