George Orwell's 1984 comes to which country first? & biggus dickus.


Name that draconian country in 1?

China was well in the lead, with regards to being the most authoritarian and draconian country in the world, the UK was happy with second place, mainly due to Theresa May's failed attempt last year to lock down the internet. I dare say if the UK leave the EU, when they have the law back under control,, they will challenge for the title.

As we know in China, they have a social credit rating system, dare to criticize the government, and they cut off your credit, get you fired, and put a message on your ring tone, to state enemy of the state "scab".......

Where in the world is this then?.....

The Russian parliament has green-lit two new laws that would allow the authorities there to fine or even jail people for disrespecting the government online, and for spreading so-called “fake news.”

One law, if finalized, would prohibit posts that show disrespect for Russian society, the state, state symbols, and the authorities there, such as President Vladimir Putin. The other targets “fake news” but would also force Internet service providers to block content which offends “public morality.” The Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, approved both overwhelmingly on Thursday.

The new “fake news” law would require news sites to register with the communications regulator Roskomnadzor if they don’t want to be blocked without an opportunity to first take down the offending information. Roskomnadzor would be the arbiter of what news is “fake” and what is not.

. Prosecuted many people for liking comments and sharing memes with “extremist” sentiments, such as mockery of religious figures;

Banned privacy-protecting virtual private network (VPN) services;

Required telecoms providers to store details of citizens’ communications and record which citizens are using which messaging apps;

Required encrypted messaging providers to hand over encryption keys (a refusal to comply led to the banning of the Telegram app);

Ordered tech firms to store Russian citizens’ data in Russian data centers (something Facebook and Twitter have been pushing back against);

And repeatedly talked about re-engineering Russia’s online infrastructure—the so-called “Runet”—so it can if needed be cut off from the rest of the Internet. Source.


If this was a dick contest, Russia is clearly winning.

More on biggus dickus at the end.

Canada are happy with 4th place, and their new thought police, that arrest people before they dare commit the crime, I shit you not.

Someone did a great video regards to Canada on here, I am limited on time, and due to meet my mother for a walk around town, so no time to look for it now.


So Russia seem to be top of the league for now, with the most draconian laws, seemingly wanting to go back to the KGB days, not content with their new found freedom of speech. Whats next, book burning? Glad I live where I do, surrounded by nutters in other countries, though seemingly immune to it, for now at least.

Whats a billionaire and a small dick got in common? Death.

I will let this one speak for itself.

Billionaire with Short Man Syndrome dies in penis enlargement operation

Sometimes enough is enough. He was 65. What a schmuck. Not a big one – well, not as big as he wanted to be. But rest well Ehud Arye Laniado, a billionaire diamond trader who reportedly died during penis enlargement surgery that triggered a “heart attack’ at a Paris clinic for big swinging dicks.

The Sun’s obituary is choice:

According to media reports, Laniado suffered from a so-called Napoleon complex due his short stature. The old friend [no that ‘old friend’] said that Laniado was “always focused on his appearance and how others perceived him”. According to Laniado’s friends, the only time he forgot about his short height was when he asked his accountant to read out his bank statement, something which he did multiple times a day, it was reported.

You can argue about why he grew big in diamonds – rock-hard diamonds prized for quality over size – amongst yourselves. Source.

And to finish off with? A biggus dickus sketch of course. :-)

Have a superb day, off for a drink with my lovely mother. :-)

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