We agree with President Erdogan in a statement in London when commenting on the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza:

We agree with President Erdogan in a statement in London when commenting on the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza: "History will not forgive Israel and the United States for transferring the capital of Israel to Qudus, and history will not forgive Arab countries secretly or brightly- explicitly support Israel and the United States in Qudus "Judaization" efforts, and silence saw the massacre of dozens of Palestinians ".

President Erdogan, we like it or not, is the only leader in the Islamic world who has twice called on the Islamic world to re-assemble in the Islamic State Summit, first when there is a plan to relocate the US Embassy to Qudus early 2018, and the second Friday tomorrow. President Erdogan has contacted Arab heads of state, including the Saudi King, King of Jordan and the Emir of Kuwait.

The Arab League's reaction to the tragedy in Gaza that has killed more than 50 residents, including children is disappointing, is only a delegation of countries in the Arab League HQ for later results submitted to their respective Foreign Ministers. It greatly undermines the value of Qudus and belittles the lives of the Palestinian people and harasses the spirit of Muslims who have "gemes"!

The Tomorrow Summit invited by Turkey will be a tough test for Islamic countries, a test of Islamic and Arabian loyalty in the vast majority of Arab leaders. It seems that most Arab leaders will fail this test, if they want to graduate they must dare to come to Istanbul and dare to take firm decisions against the US and Israel. Why do we doubt their graduation? because the Qudus and Palestinian issues are no longer a priority issue for them, given their growing relationship with Israel!

Initially we hope that the Arab countries that have the Israeli Representative in his country became the first country to expel the local Israeli Representative, and withdrew its Chief Representative from Israel as a form of protest. As is done by South Africa, Ireland, Turkey, and Norway. We initially also hope that those who invite the gathering of the Islamic State Summit is not Istanbul, but one of the Arab countries, such as Cairo, Riyadh or Abu Dhabi. But unfortunately, our hope is just hope, the more "kamvret" they again ask the media to frame the news that Erdogan's intention to invite the Summit is imaging because it wants the Presidential Election!

President Erdogan has gained great sympathy from the Arab people for his support of the Palestinian issue, especially when he sent an airplane carrying about 3,000 Palestinian wounds to be treated at hospitals in Turkey. While other Arab leaders choose to turn a blind eye to what happened, and worse there is to close its border with the murdered people. Yes, without further ado we mean it is the Egyptian government!

Up here, begin to understand why the one-on-one Arab leaders are firmly killed, began to understand why Saddam Hussein hanged, Mummar Gaddafi killed, began to understand why Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen was ravaged. When the countries are weak, and the leaders are replaced with US dolls, the plan can easily be executed.

In fact, we also hope more than President Erdogan, hoping in addition to expel the Israeli ambassador, he also expel the US Ambassador and all his Diplomats in Turkey. We also hope President Erdogan sent an invitation to the President of Syria to join the Istanbul summit, let's even more "greget" the summit!

We also realize that our expectations are very difficult to achieve right now, but because we believe in politics is "No permanent allies or enemies, only permanent interests", so we continue to hope. Let our hope hang there, and I'm sure one day time will definitely answer it. Tahrir Rakyul Youm.

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