When People Blame their "Gubberment", I Laugh Inside

Not to be a bitchy, mean, sassy "hoe" or anything, but...

If you are one of those who blame the Republicans, the Democrats, the "This Party", the "That Party", Big Bro or the Government in any way?

I am laughing at you. By that, I mean, hard enough that all troll accounts have been summoned to your post/blog to maliciously attack you with blackened alphabet soup that will make you break down and cry to your shaved poodle.
The memes will be vicious and many friends will be blocked!

Sorry, but you cannot blame a playground. That is what any Government is, a playground. What happens on that playground depends upon the rules we choose for the game and the people we select for the teams. However, in our current playground? The Banks own the land, the equipment, write the rules for the game (Lobbying) and even use their money influence to pick who gets a chance to play on the ol' Great US Jungle-Gym. This "gym" was literally recycled out of the remains of the fallen Roman Empire and 3rd Reich, please keep that in mind a bit while we progress here.

All parties are the same. They are all in a disposition to succumb to the whims of those with the most money to finance their existence. Ever notice that no matter how different a party may seem, they always tend to make laws that benefit the few more than the majority? It is most likely these different parties are funded and allowed to flourish for the sole purpose of keeping us fighting each other instead of the real enemy. While Republicans and Democrats join online hate groups to cast blame at each other, the real threat goes by undetected to most. They are too busy fighting/trolling their enemy that is bought for them. The real threat receives no blame and is allowed to continue to perpetuate these ideas that keep us blaming the wrong people. The real threat then, is the Bankers who supersede our Government, right?

That is closer to the real picture at least. While it is true these Oligarchs/Banking families do have something of a dictatorship over the whole world, they still aren't really to blame. Imagine being born into one of the richest families on Earth that literally considers the average person to be less than a pig. Imagine already being next in line to "own it all". Imagine your Dad teaching you the Family Business and pushing you into following his footsteps. Imagine this happening over several generations, with each generation getting more power. Imagine being brought up in their world where the power they have over us was given to them when our ancestors were foolish enough to accept their idea for a Fiat Currency. Oh, so maybe WE are to blame?

Well, none of this would of happened if this idea for Currency was never invented and we never accepted it. We are all to blame, though, we can still blame money too. If money didn't exist, every war since the French Revolution would of never had been financed and therefore, never would of happened. Hitler would of never been able to fund his ambitions. Corporations, like Halliburton, never would of existed. Everything that is around you right now was built in the name of "Acquiring Money". So, yeah, all humans AND money are to blame. Hard to make a war happen with a truck full of grain, right? How about a truck load of money? Ok, now we are talking! "Sign me up, brah!" Best to influence others using a commodity that does not spoil, right?

If we want a world free from, well, bullshit, we are going to have to get rid of money/currency. It is the commodity of corruption, the commodity that "does not spoil" and it should of been obvious to all of our ancestors right away that using it to facilitate social progress was a bad idea. Well, they didn't know any better. They were hit pretty hard with the propaganda of their time. So, really, since the Oligarchs pushed this idea onto us, aren't they to blame?

Ok, ok, wait a second.

What came first, the oligarchs or the money?

Maybe this power struggle is older than we thought? (go research that shit, now, it is crazy)

In conclusion, money is the lifeblood of this Banking Empire that has conquered our world. If we want to place blame on something that would be easy to deal with it is the money itself and not the Oligarchs. Remember, these people are mostly doing what they were taught to do, just like we are. They are just as conditioned into their role as anyone else.

Want to kill the Beast? Drain its blood.

Will Crypto change this situation, or make it more the same? Is Crypto the next "Blood of the Beast?" Actually, I dunno yet, guess we will have to wait? In my experience playing with money based games is that all money systems gravitate toward monopoly. Monopoly=Power/Dictatorship so, since I am under the hot lamp my guess would be yes. It doesn't have to be that way, though, especially if we can recognize Crypto for its transitional properties into something better?

Such as the.......... Venus Project?

(more to come)

"We Got This Shit!" -LSD

Much love to you all.
Lucy Sage Dreamtree

02 Truster The Mushroom Head of the Cult of Dionysus in the Key of Without the Pope Hat (We Keep Things from You).JPG

PS: Sorry, I am not one of those who is always going to share links to references/resources. This day and age, is there a need? I mean, you have all knowledge at your fingertips too, right? If you wish to discredit me, feel free to do so. By doing so it will most likely be that you would wind up agreeing with me in the end.

Art by Brandon Truster. A piece valued at $1,000 that sold for $100.

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