Robbed not at the Point of a Gun, but with Words

Recently, a local mayor was on Fox News to discuss her city's self-proclaimed status as a "Sanctuary City". She claimed that she and "her city" were standing up for American values by giving criminal illegal aliens safe harbor.

My question is what in the world do these liberal illegal invasion advocates think "American Values" are?

Last I checked, we were a nation of LAWS. Not only are sanctuary cities harboring foreigners who entered and reside in our country in violation of our laws, but additionally, the ones that they are protecting are ones that have been arrested, detained, or convicted for OTHER crimes. These sanctuary cities are refusing to inform the federal agencies that are tasked with deporting these illegal aliens before releasing them as required by federal law.

When Tucker pushed the issue, the mayor stated boldly that these illegal aliens were making her city "richer" so Tucker Carlson asked her to simply explain how they made her city richer. She declined to do so and instead restated a previous talking point.

Since the good mayor could not answer Tucker's question, I thought I would give it a whirl myself. The illegal aliens make the mayor and her city richer by consuming more government services, like welfare and law enforcement. This allows a great excuse to raise taxes on the American working stiffs that live in "her city".

The taxpayer money then flows into the pockets of the industries providing welfare goods and services. Labor unions also love illegal invasion because it means there is a need for more more cops, healthcare workers, and teachers for the 2,000 different languages spoke by illegals so they can get their “free” education on our backs.

Lastly, the unions and industries that are making massive taxpayer funded profits from illegal invasion make sure that some of their graft flows back into the pockets of the politicians via campaign donations, so that the illegals are allowed to keep flooding in. A never ending stream of hungry greedy consumers who are rich with "other people's money" to spend freely.

When it comes down to it, illegal invasion is nothing more that direct theft of working American taxpayers into the pockets of politicians, labor unions, and the welfare cottage industries that profit from it.

And of course none of this would be allowed to continue if Americans would grow a spine and stop letting these thieving politicians and their propaganda artist cohorts in the media shout us down with a simple accusation of “racism” or “bigotry” or “meanie head!”. No wonder that liberals want to ban guns. Who needs a gun when we have allowed them to rob us all blind with the threat of mere words.

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