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Russia accuses U.S. of simulated combat ISIS

Coalition complicates the operation of the Syrian government troops and videoconferencing liberated territories in Syria

The international coalition led by the United States significantly reduced the intensity of attacks by terrorists from grouping "Islamic state" (banned in Russia). According to the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov, "strange changes" were observed in the statistics of the Pentagon: the activity of the coalition in Iraq has decreased significantly since the beginning of operation of Syrian troops in the liberation of Deir-ez-Zor in Syria and the deployment of a large force of insurgents who are trying to gain a foothold on the Eastern Bank of the Euphrates.

Russia accuses US ...

"The U.S.-led coalition that simulates the fight against ISIS, primarily in Iraq, sees it all, but allegedly continued to actively fight ISIS somehow in Syria", – said Igor Konashenkov. According to him, in the Western part of Iraq, ISIS controlled territory continues to increase. "The ongoing replenishment of terrorists from Iraq raises serious questions for the purposes of operations against terrorists carried out in the region by U.S. aircraft and the so — called international coalition," he said.

Defense Ministry spokesman claims that the coalition led by the United States may like to try to complicate the operation of the Syrian government forces and the Russian space forces for the liberation from militants of the territory East of the Euphrates, and to pursue other goals. Moscow, clarification is required in connection with this change of priorities.

In addition, "the release of the remaining now in the rear of Raqqa [Syria], which the US and coalition for six months called the main priority of the fight against ISIS, which month came to a standstill," – said the official representative of the defense Ministry, stressing that in raqqa, the militants were even able to regain control of a few blocks.

I. Konashenkov added that arriving from Iraq, the militants and their foreign mercenaries gather near the Syrian city of Mayadin. According to him, the Russian VKS is applied to 150 beats per day. On the night of October 10 when the intelligence drones were discovered stronghold of militants, which was a warehouse of artillery and tank ammunition. Aircraft carried out 14 air strikes on it, which was destroyed four tanks, nine SUVs with heavy weapons, two rocket launchers and other equipment. The result of the operation was eliminated 70 terrorists, another 30 remain locked in the underground tunnels.

In recent days, according to the representative of the defense Ministry, were dealt 182 blow to the terrorists in Deir ez-Zor. In the area of Hatley Russian air force destroyed the command post of the IG and three groups of militants, who arrived in Deir ez-Zor from Iraq. Confirmed the elimination of 34 militants, five SUVs with heavy weapons and two vehicles with ammunition.

Also, said Konashenkov, Russian aircraft destroyed the economic infrastructure of ISIS in Syria. On the territory controlled by the rebels halted production and sale of oil.

Earlier media reported that the Russian aircraft killed about 60 foreign mercenaries, were part of the terrorist squad in the valley of the Euphrates river.

Come from Syria and some sad news. Russian su-24 bomber during takeoff skidded off the runway in Syria, the aircraft was destroyed, the crew killed, said the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. The destruction of the earth due to a plane crash there, according to the Ministry. "Report from the scene, the cause of the incident could be a technical malfunction of the machine," – said the Agency.

Meanwhile, a meeting of the Russian-Syrian intergovernmental Commission. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said, "Now we can state that the time of economic recovery [in Syria], we expect that the Russian businessmen will take in this process the most active participation". He said that at the meeting with the foreign Minister of Syria Walid Muallem, who is the co-chair of the intergovernmental Commission, discussed the key issues of the reconstruction of Syria, almost all aspects are understood.

Dmitry Rogozin also said that Russia and Syria signed a Protocol on exchange of customs information on goods and vehicles. "Creating an effective regulatory framework of customs regulations will allow us to eliminate administrative barriers to trade and significantly increase its volume," he added.

In September, Syrian Ambassador to Russia Riyad Haddad said that the country's President Bashar al-Assad gave the order to render assistance and to create a preference for Russian businessmen when doing business in the SAR. According to him, Russia and other countries that helped Syria in the war on terrorism, "have the right to be the first" in the country's economic recovery. According to the Ambassador, Syria is now beginning to shift from combat operations to reconstruction.

News source:  - "Century"

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