This is a touchy topic but it needs some clarity.

The reason the feminists feel oppressed is kind of easy to see once this perspective is introduced.

First i'll lay some ground work.

When a female is searching for a partner she is probably looking for a male who is physically strong and charismatic. He doesn't need to be an elite weight lifter but preferably he should be stronger than her. This is a primal response and is extremely common in todays society.

Now. All relationships will go through their ups and downs and will always involve little energy stealing mechanisms and loans (fights), which is why these relationships usually become co-dependent.

When these interactions escalate the idiot inside all of us will usually come into play. This is something we all have inside and is not to be shamed or denied but accepted and managed. When our emotions heighten this part of us comes to the fore, it takes the controls. When we are at a hostile place with a loved one it will do the same. This part of us is only primal and is very arrogant. It will destroy us if we let it.

When the female is in a fight with her man this arrogant part of her will always know if the fight becomes completely out of hand and turns into a physical one, she will come off second best.

The idiot in the mans head will never feel this because he knows this is not a threat to him. The thought wont cross his mind.

At the end of the day even in the safety of their closest relationship women could come off second best. This is why I think there is such a thing as feminism. This is inescapable because it is the oppressed doing it to themselves, which is very tricky to change.

Nearly all men including myself would never hit a woman and at the same time will never feel physically threatened by their partner, regardless of the state of interaction between us.

The idiot spoken of is something we all have inside and if we find when it's tricking us, we will be better off.

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