The Real Enemy Of The American People

President Trump recently tweeted that MSM outlets are not his enemy but "the enemy of the American People." Which, in turn, got me thinking about what or who is the real enemy. Let's first take a look at why exactly Trump thinks this.
The Mainstream Media serve their own interests and biases. They have little to no ethical obligation to the American People. Should they? That is a matter for debate but besides the point. All articles are also written by journalists and they attempt to convey a personal view of any given subject. It's real simple, if you do not like journalism -- I suggest you invest a little time in researching watchdog groups. They try to find the facts, behind both biased reporting and unfounded claims of bias, as best as they can.
There's been a long history of Presidents going toe-to-toe with the press. It comes with the territory for both parties. There is typically always some type of motivation for such blatant hatred for someone or something. What I think Trump's ulterior motive is a revitalized Alien and Sedition Acts (, which prohibited the publication of "false, scandalous, or malicious writing" against the government and made it a crime to voice any public opposition to any law or presidential act. I may be wrong but there is definitely something at the core of all this.
Let's get to the heart of the matter now. What is the real enemy of the American People? Well, it's kind of ironic but it's Trump and those who support him. It's Hillary and those who would have supported her. It's people who think they know what's best for someone else. We all know that the world we live in is insane so why then have we too lost our minds? The real enemy of the American people is anyone saying they're looking out for you and your best interests.

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