Solutions of the White House Tree Mystery !!!


The tree planted in the White House, suddenly disappeared! What is the event? This is not a tree! This is a gift given to US President Donald Trump on behalf of Makhoth. He recently presented the trump to the United States tour.

The two presidents planted that tree in the White House premises. But the news is that the tree has disappeared mysteriously. Finally the edge of the mystery has been done. After planting, its disease was lifted again for testing.

But for several days this tree surrounded the tree, there are many types of speculation-imagination. The White House has not given any formal explanation. French ambassador to the United States Gerard Araoud said on Sunday that the tree was temporarily absent. To take anything alive in the United States, it is compulsory to get it sterilized. Later, the tree was planted again. Its original plastics were protected by placing it. It was carefully separated.

Melaniea Trump spokesman Stefani Grisam said the plan was to preserve the plant. It was seen whether it was a parasite or not. Because the parasite is likely to spread to other trees in the White House.

According to the US Customs and Border Protection rules, all trees in the country will be tested with agricultural experts. Although there is no need for advance permission to bring some trees. However, certain trees require permission.

According to the BBC Online report, Makhon had taken the tree from the battlefield in the northeast of France to a battlefield in the United Kingdom. Last week he traveled to the United States and presented it to Trump. At that time, Makhon said that the bonds which are tied in two countries will remind the tree. But on Saturday, a Reuters photographer took photos of the White House and saw that the tree is no longer there. The tree was planted in the southern part of the White House. There is only a yellow-colored grass in place of trees. The photographer was also photographed. From then on, the mystery is made.

The Makhsh tree was a European oakgacha. In 1918 Belu Wood was fought in the north-east of Paris. About two thousand US soldiers were killed in that war. The tree was collected from the memory of that war. References: CNN

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