Enabling Civil War 2.0 - PART V - Partisanized Tyranny

by Quan Parker

Red or Blue insanity - which is better?

So, the devil of third ways and alternative choices in "open" public elections is banished in favor of the divine angel of an unassailable, anally-controlled sacro-holy two-party-one-philosophy system? How do you prefer your authoritarianism pill, red or blue? Endless wars, a police state and creeping fascism, or destruction of property rights, endless entitlements, wars enabled, the police state and creeping socialism. Quick! Which one is which? Which is better? How can you tell?

Perhaps you perceive some meaningful difference between the partisanized statisms available in two nauseating flavors. But where do reasonable, responsible grass-roots issues such as tax limitation, term limits, school choice, freedom of choice in nutrition and medicine (including legalization of the wonder drug marijuana), military or entitlements spending restraint and other historically necessary limits on State power fit in? Other than "where the sun don't shine," of course?

With the only alternative no limits on State power, the most fundamentally anti-American concept of all... ah well, you can certainly forget that 'Shining City on a Hill' hallucination. There's a wall around that city and you can't get in if you ain't a .01%-er and have something good on somebody higher up.

Screw the hopes of rational people who believe that death can be delayed by decades with the right combination of diet, vitamins, herbs, exercise and clean water; as well as, when needed, stem cell therapy, oxygen therapy, IV-Ascorbate, GcMAF and other radical protocols proven to work for many people. As opposed to mandatory (by physician and insurance rules) chemotherapy that works no more than 5% of the time, after decades of incredibly expensive tax deductible cancer research (which is why so few oncologists will prescribe it for themselves or their families).

In an actual free society MD's and PhD's would be able to research, prescribe and use these new therapies and protocols without being harassed and threatened with license revocation or perhaps murdered.

The Darkening Petrodollar

The Dark State and its practitioners obviously have other plans, none of which apparently involve dealing with the collapsing confidence in the (unbacked) petrodollar. Unless you have a way to pay off your family's share of the $20 trillion National Debt, ($57,000 per person), or contribute your part (e.g. IRA, 401K, bonds) to bail out the entire insolvent bankster system ($570,000 per person), then you and yours are a drag on the plow and a candidate for euthanasia; or maybe the gulag, if you can still haul slop.

After all, "they" can't allow all these smart-ass vitamins-and-truth geezers to live to 100 soaking up benefits, because the Social (In)Security system was designed upon semi-rational expectations of rampant "normal" mortality, and is already way beyond broke; the money is "printed" every night to cover tomorrow's checks.

What rational young person entering the work force now is going to accept crushing taxes and inflation to pay for retired generations living way past their 'break-even' ages? Excuse me, but something's gotta give.

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