Weekend post... triggering politics.

As I said in my introduction, I am not that interested in politics. Neither in the country I live in, neither in countries like the USA, where my english is not that good. But...


I have some old, little piece of anger I need to spit out. Because I'm Italian. When Mr Berlusconi won the polls, (having just ~30% of votes, not like ~50% of Trump), each and every commenter in the USA was making fun of us, saying like "well, you know, this is because you are just italian idiots. This cannot happen here, because we have a different political culture". And this "different" meant "superior".

Now, getting despise just because people dreams "this cannot happen here" is not something new. Almost everytime something happens in Italy, we get "foreign experts" coming and lecturing. (It happened also some of those experts were hired to shine and show us how good they were: and they failed so bad, like Bernard Winkler).

Nevertheless, with Silvio Berlusconi this was kept insulting because the lecturer never said like "we have better experts" or maybe "we have better politicians". This can happen. They were mentioning "the culture", which is a shared value. So they were saying "here in the USA Silvio Berlusconi cannot happen, just because americans are better than italians".

Well, now is time to spit out some old rage. Tell me again how better you are, americans, when you voted a Fake copy of Silvio Berlusconi, and when I say "a fake copy" I mean Berlusconi was better than Trump in almost everything he during the campaign?

Anyhow this is not the point. Yep, you aren't superior. Yep, you have your Silvio Berlusconi now. Enjoy. Don't worry, those kind of idiots are phony but almost harmless. It's not the end of the world, it will go.

My point is: how incompetent Hillary was?

Well, you know: if you are tricked by Trump using some trick never seen before, you are excused. I mean: this was never done before, right? How could you predict? This was not the case of Trump. Because Trump just tricked the leftists just in the same way Berlusconi did.

Now, is a matter of being competent: if you do politics, you should know the tricks. Especially when you, like Hillary, are in the game since before of Silvio. This was not the case: Trump recycled almost all tricks Silvio invented, being honest he wasn't even that professional. He won just Because Hillary was too amateur , and didn't see the tricks were old already.

This trick is now being repeated in almost all Europe, and it works perfectly. Because those "aryans of politics, sooo superior", were that arrogant into their assumption "it cannot happen here because we are superior", they didn't spent any time to understand WHAT actually happened. So they didn't get the trick.

People like Silvio Berlusconi, Trump, LePen and others are working by triggering the extreme sides of their opponents. So if they ara against the left, they trigger the extreme left.

And when the extreme left enters the stage, the moderate one, just loses.

Take by example the USA

  • Hillary clinton was proposing herself like the person representing women's dignity. It could have worked (despite her personal history) , until Madonna. When Madonna entered the stage and offered a Blowjob to any of the Hillary's voters, any chance to be the flag of women's dignity was gone. Gone. People cannot associate you with women's dignity, when you reach your position ... because of Blowjobs. Once you are associated with that, you're gone. In the main street debate (which is the one which matters), you cannot even talk about women's dignity, because the opponent will mention Madonna.

  • Hillary Clinton was trying to represent a new era of fair opportunities, saying "the white man" must evolve. We can discuss it. I'm listening. I'm a white man. The idea of stopping kinda "toxic masculinity" , because is unfair and you don't like it, could work. Makes sense. And then Miley Cyrus supports Hillary. I mean, Miley Cyrus is the same which is doing shows where she twerks on top of a giant dildo, where a demolition device hits her asshole? So basically, she makes money on the kind of men she pushes "to evolve"? Seriously?

  • Hillary Clinton could have represented well the "Pro Choice" idea. Makes sense too. It could have been an argument for most of women to identify with her. But, when Lena Dunham enters the stage and says "I wish I had an abortion", tell me how your argument is being debated, in the Main Street. Tell me what happens when "Pro Choice" becomes "Pro Abortion". Is it abortion cool? Is it something women should "wish" to have? And not tell me you have no idea why the white women did not identified with her?

The trick of Silvio , which Trump recycled, is very easy: you trigger the pile of idiots, which sits in the extreme area of the opponent's party. Islamolesbians, negrocommunist, gender-of-the-day-douchebags, Michael Moore, and worst. This people is very noisy, and they take the whole stage into Main Street. You may have good arguments, but people will listen to the pile of idiots, because they SCREAM LOUDER.

They are professional in screaming louder. And they are a ridiculous, embarrassing pile of idiots. It's pointless to discuss on that: you cannot tell me that "I wish I had an abortion" will make your "Pro Choice" argument stronger. It will cover your arguments because of outrage , and then nobody will listen at you. You are associated with Lena Dunham, just because she screams louder.

Trump triggered , like Berlusconi did, the worst of the worst from the leftist party. The most ridiculous, embarrassing pile of radical idiots the planet had seen. A Burzum circus of freaks, which will make a joke of any good argument you have. Does someone mentioned that the BLM activists were flooding the whole internet with interracial porn, saying "this is how the white race will disappear when Hillary will win?" This was the kind of idiots Trump triggered.

Sure, the pile of idiots are a small minority. Unfortunately, they are very professional in being visible. And when the Pile of idiots , AKA the radical left enters the stage, for the presidential left there is no chance. Whatever good argument will be made a joke because of some incredibly ridiculous positions they have. They are the retard cousins you invite to your party , because you love them, until they start farting on the microphone interrupting the music. 'cause is cool.

You may advocate safe zones against bullism and stalking, until Milo Yannopoulos, which is a professional in triggering the pile of idiots, succeeds to have a whole university devastated by the pile of idiots. And now, please, try to advocate again for the safe zones into universities.

You may advocate tolerance for muslims. Sure. Then... Mustafaa Carroll, a CAIR leader in Texas, says "if you're a true, practicing Muslim, you're above the law of the land". And this sentence , made in 2013, is promptly quoted by some islamolesbians negrocommunist squatterwhatever , in front of TV. While a riot happens.

Of course this didn't happened by accident. Those people was triggered. Normally they keep doing their Sufi Yoga somewhere, drinking piss against cancer and/or eating quinoa with banana skins, in order to better detox. Which should be what they do during elections.

But... here is the Trick. Trump triggers them. He says mexicans are rapist, he says he can grab women from here and there, and so and so. I've seen this, much before Trump was a thing. I know that, we've seen this in italy, when Berlusconi said the women's G-spot is actually in the husband's wallet. I know that tricks very well. They don't do that by accident. They do that because they know this is triggering. And they know, when they trigger the pile of idiots, there is no chance for the leftist party.

You may have the best law enforcement program in the planet as an argument: when Michael Moore enters the stage after the Orlando's shooting, saying it was a "gun control issue", why the heck you wonder if you lost support from gay people?

The trick is easy:

  • The politician knows there is a huge pile of idiots sitting below the chair of the opponent. (every party has one)
  • The politician collect very common jokes, usually tolerated in most of Main Street, but triggering the idiots.
  • The idiots enters the stage. They are loud. They are ridiculous. They are embarrassing. In short: they are radicals.
  • The politician's press (Breitbart?) takes the best out of it, making a mess of your arguments.
  • When the radicals become violent, they play the victims, too.

It works. It worked for Silvio, it works right now in Europe, and it will work until someone will be competent enough to study the trick instead of assuming they are toooo intelligent for the trick to work.

Hillary Clinton was destroyed by her own arrogance. The arrogance of feeling herself and her people MORE INTELLIGENT than Trump. Trump recycled a very old trick from Silvio Berlusconi, which recycled some trick in the ancient Rome (related to the tribunus plebis . ). Was destroyed by her own narcissism, when thinking that having a pile of idiots from Hollywood was cool, just because Hollywood is cool. Unfortunately, not for elections.

Of course Trump has a consistent pile of idiots under the seat, too. It could have been possible to trigger them, too. But this would have required to be competent.

Like Hillary is not. A competent person would have studied Silvio, noticing he lost against Prodi, which was just stopping the triggers. A competent one would have noticed Silvio become none just when the extreme left collapsed. This was not the case.

So yes, this cannot happen anymore in Italy. Possibly people has got the trick, at least politicians did.

Now tell me again about your "superior political culture", mr Chomsky. I'm listening....

Silvio Rulez

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