Corporations & Government


In today's economy we have 2 types of big players. You have Governments, and you have Corporations. Now I am an individualist, which means that I reject all forms of collectivism, and while a corporation might look like it's a voluntary association of people, let's examine the issue more closely.

Chomsky on Corporations

Noam Chomsky comes to my mind here, he is a well known academic leftist and activist, he proclaims himself as being anarcho-syndicalist, which is basically an euphemism on communist. Now strangely I agree with him on many things, except economics and the methodology of achieving freedom. The truth is that both libertarians and communists want freedom, but their methodology is the exact opposite, and communism always leads to tyranny for various reasons. But this is another topic.

Chomsky criticizes the evils of the government, but thinks that governments actually have some sort of accountability, whereas he refers to corporations as "private tyrannies" , which are not accountable at all.

Well let me tell you something. I suppose he didn't heard of the Board of Directors, or how the corporate structure is largely run by elected people, by the shareholders. Now of course he probably refers to the stakeholders and the workers having little rights in it. But if we look at a corporation as a country, the shareholders being the citizens, that is absolutely legitimate to set it up this way. The workers are only rented, they have no rights.

That's like saying we should let French people vote on Czech laws, it violates the sovereignty of the corporation. So yes he wants the big daddy government to interfere and give worker's rights to the workers there in the corporation. Which is exactly how the EU was set up for the governments, and how the French actually do interfere with Czech laws.

Corporations are Governments

It's hilarious. Which brings me to the next point, that actually Corporations are Governments if you think about it. I mean do I have any actual rights in a Corporation as a shareholder, absolutely not other than voting and having the right to go to meetings, but that is exactly what the Government gives you as a citizen.

They are making the laws, the elected officials, and your rights are violated. So if some guy owns 51% of a corporation, then tough luck, your vote doesn't matter. I mean you can easily see, how any collectivist system is setup to fail, that is why I am an individualist.

Corporation as Nation State

We can already see the forming of a Global Government which is totally collectivist, but it has both left and right elements, that only wants to get more taxes to fund the socialist ponzi schemes on the left, while evil Nazi eugenicist agenda on the right. But at the same time you have International Corporations who own more wealth than Governments (if we exclude the land and natural resources).

Now let me tell you something, I think this is the way towards privatization and a libertarian society. This is exactly what the libertarians want, a fully privatized world, this is the endgame of the free market, the libertarian dream.

Just think about it, all these Govts are running welfare scams, and pension ponzies, but their debt is so high, that barely anyone can bail them out, and they don't want hyperinflation, so they decide to join together in blocks in order to share the burden. The EU is a prime example.

And while people are bitching about the IMF taking national assets as collaterals for their loans (like in Greece). If Greece fails to pay their debt (which they will), then the IMF takes over, and it's sent to private hands. I think it was their electricity provider, that was the collateral. So yes a crappy Government service that is probably 50% inefficient, and charges way too much for electricity, will get into private hands (even if they are bankers), and will be managed better, and the current prices will drop.

This is exactly the way toward libertarianism. I get that people hate the bankers, but isn't this the roadmap? You let the inefficient die, and keep the efficient one. It's economic Darwinism, the basis of capitalism. Isn't this the real free market?

Now I get that monopoly is bad, and a Corporation is a defacto government, and if the Big Govt collapses then the Corporation would probably have his private armies. But that will be like returning to city-states. It's massive decentralization. So even though it's the bankers, it seems like it's a libertarian conspiracy.

While on the other hand you have the NWO conspiracy, the exact opposite of this, a 1 World Government, which will have Communist/Fascist/Nazi elements in it, from wealth redistribution, to micromanagement, eugenics, totalitarian tyranny, and all othe horrible stuff. A truly Orwellian plan.


So I get that most people don't like the bankers, they are corrupt, I get it, but they can still be reformed and made more transparent with blockchain technology. But they are still orders of degree better than these eugenicists population reduction Nazis.

So you can choose between a Neo-City-State Corporate Libertarianism (hopefully decays into Individualism over time), or a 1 World Government run by Communists, Fascists and Nazis. These are the 2 major factions in the war for liberty. Who will you support?


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