The Most Toxic Group in Politics

This story starts on a rather average day, when I had made a post in october about a shirt, a musician I admire was endorsing as a product he thought was entertaining and provocative.

I was excited to say the least.

The ANTIFA group has been a long standing psychic leech to many independent artists and musicians, and they deserve no special credit for the spam and harassment they offer as their main products or services.

Nergal, the front man of the band Behemoth was seen in a social media passing around a shirt that was advertising a message, which was quite provocative, yet has brought the troll nature of these antifa creatures to light.

I made a social media post asking for this shirt, some family and friends had observed this post and silently took note, in interest of gifting me this shirt as a seasonal gift (I'm not religious, they would use other terms), needless to say I was excited.

I quickly was inclined to post to the same social media site, as I was excited and enjoy sharing provocative content online to stimulate a deeper conversation than the stale cognitive dissonance that comes along with most fan pages.


Thanks to who ever reported my post, sharing my happiness with fellow fans of Behemoth who had common interest in this shirt.

I didnt screenshot, but wish I had now, the ratio was about 19/20 people who like/dislike based on the nature of the comments and reactions.

The most toxic group in politics is antifa.

Happy holidays.

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