Day 13: Trump Occupation

Image of Yaktocat

It's Day 13 here in America under Trump regime and everything is getting as bad as you would expect. I use the terms occupation and regime because while not physical the attacks on the ideals of what America stands for are just as horrendous as they would be against a physical person. It seems America and world are going to experience what a "reality star" really is. As you can guess I did not vote for this "man". While there have been president have won that I did not support, I never felt they where fundamentally opposed to the what makes America great. I may not have supported their policies but never felt they where intentionally trying to break our country. Today I feel as if I am living in a country that I do not recognize.

I understand the frustrations of the people who voted for this man, but I don't think those that voted understood the harm the were going to inflict to our values by doing so. Voting for this man was like applying chemotherapy to treat a splinter. It does much more damage and does not fix the actual problem at hand.

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