Now check this out. On most liberal networks like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC etc the only photo shown by the Media is one that depicts and creates a view of Trump fighting with all of our Allies and getting them all Angry at the USA. Here is the photo:


While images speak louder than words and the Media knows this it is very easy for them to control their viewers thinking and believing what they are telling them. By looking at this photo I almost believe Trump doesnt give a crap and is fighting with everyone. Thats exactly what the media wants.

Now look at the photo they don't want you to see because it doesnt make it look like everyone is angry and fighting. This was taken ONLY seconds apart. Look:


Here everyone is all smile and it looks like Trump was very social and even maybe told a good joke and everyone is Laughing. You know what this also shows ? That they like him, they respect him because they are all gathered around him and it looks good for Trump.

The only thing the Media wants you to see is Negative stories about Trump. They will EDIT everything to make it seem like it was bad. That is manipulating the NARRATIVE and thats EXACTLY #FAKENEWS

So be smart, do your research and find out more. I will dive into this G7 Summit a little bit deeper and I will show and expose much more Bias.

See you soon.

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