Common Sense Gun Control

Hello. First let me say, I'm a "gun guy" and have been all of my life. I have a CCW and own several large capacity Semi Automatic "Assault" rifles; however I also think guns and gun laws in the USA have become too lenient and are not in the best interest of the safety of the public. Some states are starting to abolish the requirement of certification for carrying a concealed weapon. The classes required for this certification outline basic gun safety, legalities and most importantly, state laws concerning when lethal force may be used by a civilian. This certification should be kept in place. I'm also no fan of civilians "open carrying" firearms. As far as I can tell, there is no real purpose of openly displaying a firearm in public. This can create a lot of confusion with Law Enforcement as to who is the suspect and who isn't.

The outline below is my idea of Common Sense Gun Control. I'm sure this will not fit the taste of everyone but it seems at least some measures need to taken, short of "taking guns away", which is not the path any gun owner would have interest.

-Mandatory training for anyone carrying concealed weapons

-No "private sales" of Firearms. Any person purchasing any firearm in the USA must pass a background check.

-No "Open Carry" of Firearms by civilians

-Anyone purchasing a firearm must present evidence they have approved means of securing the weapon while not at home (Gun Safe)

-Anyone purchasing a semi-automatic (or fully automatic) rifle capable of firing 8 rounds or more must attend a semi auto weapons class held by Local or State Law Enforcement. The class must be held only by Law Enforcement, no contractors. This will give Law Enforcement the chance to take a good "look" at anyone buying "military type" weapons. It could screen out those with Mental deficiencies. The County Sheriff or Chief Of Police would have the ability to deny a person authorization to own a semi automatic rifle. The cost of the class would be paid by the firearms owner

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