Gaza Shooting The Hipocrisy of the British Government

Recently the Gaza Shooting of unarmed civilian protestors saw the killing of 58 and life changing injuries inflicted upon more than 1,200 protestors by soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF.) The response by the the British Government of Theresa May reveals the disgusting degree of hypocrisy our political establishment blithely offers us.

The Evidence was clear and unequivocal. Israeli forces had absolutely no justification whatsoever to open fire with live ammunition on these people. The Gaza shooting was an unprovoked massacre of civilians by the IDF, there is a wealth of corroborating evidence to prove the fact. Moreover it is clear that unarmed Palestinian protestors were targeted by IDF snipers with the evident objective of killing them. Many were killed hundreds of meters away from the fence, a high number were shot in the back, the live ammunition used in the Gaza Shooting (7.62mm rounds) was designed to inflict the most severe injuries possible (in the absence of death) and there was no realistic threat to IDF forces and certainly none to Israeli civilians, who weren’t even present. 8 Children were among the 58 murdered Palestinians.

The stark contrast between the British Governments response to the proven actions of the Israel and the alleged actions of Syria in Douma, only a month earlier, reveal the reality of the British Government’s supposed moral indignation.

Speaking on 14th April 2018, a day after the UK, France and the U.S had launched reprisal missile strikes against Syria for the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Theresa May called the attack “a despicable and barbaric attack.” Yet she referred to the mass slaughter of civilians by Israel as “tragic and extremely concerning.” She made no mention at all that it was an undoubted massacre.

Also notable is the difference in the tone of the language used. In reference to Douma, Theresa May was at pains to to highlight “harrowing images” and that “young children were killed,” calling the alleged Douma victims “innocent families.” However, she made no comment at all about the loss of “innocent families” in Gaza; there was no mention of the children murdered by the IDF nor any mention of the “harrowing images” which emerged from Gaza. Instead what we heard from Theresa May was broadly a defense of the Israel.Rather than strongly condemning the Gaza shootings, May offered an apologist justification for the mass slaughter of Palestinians exercising their lawful right to protest. Perhaps most despicable was her disgusting attempt to blame the Palestinian victims for their own deaths.

Check out the full post HERE

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