UK Chaos - Brexit #BillOfRights #Constitution #Liberties #CivilRights #GiletJaune #YellowVest

The kingdom of God is within.


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(and not because of Brexit, although that is part of it).

It's all planned imo. Yellow vests #disruption and #chaos brings #oppression
The banks are set to roll, the legislature, executive and state authorities have assumed the position to push oppression and martial law.


Photo: AFP -- France / but UK has many protesters in yellow.

Nationalism has been promoted by the media to exacerbate ethnic and religious divides. A false identity to promote a political agenda against Muslims (who's countries the Brits are levelling) and people are hating on the European Union. Wow, we are so fucked right now.

For me UNION is a good thing, but maybe it's not that simple if it's increasingly federal.


Non-nationalists will be demonised.
A technique used time and time again - a WAR CALL.


Many will die, as martyrs to austerity and other government abuses and neglect.
De-population is underway. The planet stewards have ordered it.

The peace was never meant to last. The preppers are right.


In Europe the Courts of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) have barely managed primacy of the UK Parliamentary law-makers. So a Bill of Rights may replace our 'untidy', 'unwritten' constitution - then Parliamentary laws can be repealed more easily, bringing contenders to the helm of Britannia.


The far right idiots will buy in to the bullshit as they have Islamophobia and politically we will be misled with tedious Anti-Corbyn sentiment and a contentious no deal Brexit. SHTF scenario for the impassioned "frontline ready" who are triggered and very pissed off.

BUT, we have learnt our lesson and won't be conned again.
This time its for the people and not for TPTB.

9/11 saw Bush coerce Blair in to war / oil / gold / faux democracy / death / disease / destruction.

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Anti-terrorism legislation to curtail civil rights and freedoms is an act of terrorism on constitutional principles, especially given its misuse and the false flags to justify world wars and theft of foreign resource. In the US followed the Patriot Act 2001, increased Homeland Security and Military Tribunals - we lost a whole load of liberties after 9/11.

Human rights are being taken from us.


"Slow, slowly catchy monkey". Everything is done in small steps.


OCT 2018 (Divide and conquer) Spectator magazine cover.

The hard border may be introduced in Northern Ireland - more divide and conquer.
I hope the Irish see through it all. The media propaganda machine will fuel the troubles.

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© Getty

Bless Ireland.

The poverty runs through all of Britain.
Northern Ireland haven't dodged the Tory bullet either.


It's desperate times.

Four million children at risk of malnutrition in the UK.
Nine years of TORY rule and the country is FUCKED.

Smoking gun.


"Thie Yellow Vest Movement foretold by the front cover of The Economist 2017. ORDER OUT OF CHAOS to divide and conquer – bring in martial law and deny freedoms. The hermit standing on the mountain holding a lantern in the occult world represents secret societies controlling from the shadows. A cracked globe shows destruction of planet."
(Anonymous source).

Challenges to the UK unwritten Constitution


This cartoon was sent to Viscount Sidmouth by Colonel Fletcher from Hollins near Bolton-le-Moors, 25 February 1819, with other several letters informing the Home Secretary about the establishment of a union room in Oldham. These were rooms set up for political meetings, but they also had an educational purpose and were spaces where people could discuss books and newspapers. While referring to this image as issued by the Manchester Observer offices in a letter [HO 42/184 f32], Fletcher wrote that; ‘if the lower class can stand all these things it will be suppression indeed’.


If government is telling businesses to prepare for the worst, then we need to take that warning on board too.

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The civil unrest about to ensue is Govt planned imo. A political move to create more chaos, because after chaos comes order and oppression via legislation and brutal state power. Orwellian, yes. Brave New World - sorta, a very dark scenario can be avoided if we engage God mode. Peace within but taking no more austerity and poverty inflicted on our people through deviant bankers holding the government to ransom.

There are lots of us and this can be peaceful. #rebirth

~ x ~



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