Is Scandinavia becoming the next Balkan crise in Europe?

We all remember the war in the 90's on Balkan that splitted a whole region, and separated what Tito once managed to keep together. This led to a humanitarian crise, and many of the people who lived there flew to other parts of Europe to seek shelter for the situation in the former Republic of Yugoslavia.


I do not forget when I met a Serbian guy in Norway after the millenium, and I asked him what really was going on down on the Balkan - since it was difficult for us up north to understand why such tensions inside a country could lead to a civil war?

The Serbian guy answered me: "let's see 20 years from now if the same is happening in Scandinavia? When the Muslims wants to dictate what is allowed to do or not in your country. Let's see how you react when there will be areas in your country where you are not allowed to buy pork or alcohol for example?".

To be honest, this is whats happening in Scandinavia at the moment - and since I have lived abroad the last years, I can see how the media picture has changed - and there are obviously more tensions in the picture that the media is drawing now, than just a few years back.

This experiment which is runned by some insane Politicians, or the people behind them is about to reveal itself. The situation is about to get out of control, especially in Sweden - which ones was one of the safest countries in the world, but now hosts several of No Go Zones.

At least I have some common sense, and moved to Czech Republic - which is part of the Visegrad countries. I was born in Norway, left the country in 2008 when things didn't look too bad in favour of Sweden where I observed that things had gone much further. I reckoned that in the town I lived there were no Swedish restaurant owners left, it was mostly some Kebab shops - which doesnt require anything else, except some cheap labour and crappy meat.

As far as I know my culture in the north, I will strongly advice Muslims to be aware what will happen in the next years. I am getting more and more convinced that Scandinavia will become a warzone. Not that I want it to happen, but I registrate more and bigger tensions between immigrants and the locals - and in the end it will escalate, because, I know how Vikings are. In the beginning they are kind and helpful, but when you test their patience it will only result in a fight.

So, we will see if the Serbian guy I met will be right? If this people who fled the Balkan in the 90' s and was happy to come to a peaceful place is standing there again with the same problems they fled from? The difference between the immigrants from Balkan in the 90's and immigrants that is coming now is mainly that most of the people who fled the war in south Europe returned when the war finnished. I see a different pattern in the immigrants today, they are coming to stay and have no interest of all to return to their homecountries after the crisis. They are not willing to assimilate either, what I look at with great concerns - since we have been brainwashed in Scandinavia in our childhood that we are all the same, but now visualizing that it is not the truth can only lead to a dissaster.

The biggest difference with Scandinavia and the Balkans is still that they had a great leader in Tito who managed to gather the cultures in one country. This worked well until he died, and then hell broke out.
In Scandinavia the countries is runned by kindergarden aunties who has never done a real job in their entire life , basically they are professional politicians who has no responsibillity for what they do, and have no contact with the general population.

My suspicion is that we will see a big crise in Scandinavia within the next 10 years, even earlier - that will escalate and lead to civil war. I advice especially Muslims about it since they will be the ones who will suffer the most from it, so think twice before you move there.

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