The Democrat vs Republican politics has been mostly fake, at the national level, all of our lives.


Truly, any person who thinks that the over 50 million Americans who believe that the 2020 election was rigged, enough to put more serious energy into a secession movement since 1861, is not anything to take seriously, is not living in the real world. And, any good therapist has the skills to help these people gain a broader perspective on what is really going on (without mislabeling any understanding of the larger context of US politics as unworthy of serious consideration).

Because, what is going on in the US is worthy of serious consideration and this effort should not be dismissed as conspiracy theories, without evidence.

People who voted for Biden are less likely to consider the evidence of massive election fraud in 2020, including:

  • Ten thousand votes flipped from Trump to Biden in just one county in Wisconsin.
  • The stop of vote counting in both Detroit and Philadelphia until massive vote dumps of over 100,000 votes could be brought in.
  • The statistically impossible percentage of Biden votes compared to Trump votes in those massive vote dumps.
  • The large percentage of Biden ballots in the vote dumps that only had one vote for Biden on the ballot, and no down-ballot voting.
  • The signatures on ballots that were copies of signatures.
  • The refusal of the corrupt Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, John Roberts, to allow any case that contested the election results.
  • The refusal of the states of Wisconsin and Georgia to investigate evidence of election fraud, including vote-flipping in Wisconsin, and vote-shaving in Georgia.
  • The public knowledge that vote-shaving software is found in vote-counting packages that are put out by all six major corporations that produce vote-counting software for counting votes at the regional level.
  • The vote shaving used in several state primaries in 2016 to keep Bernie from getting the Democratic nomination.
  • The resulting lack of faith in the election of 2020 by even 10% of Democrats and also two thirds of Republicans.

And, when over 50 million Americans do not believe that the US elections can be trusted anymore, then that’s no joke.

If anyone wants to test their own version of reality on how the US really works, they might consider that both Obama and McCain were financed by the same Rockefeller commercial banks, Chase and Citi, as top donors in 2008.

Obama’s adviser on oil wars in eight nations was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was David Rockefeller’s right hand man in the CIA’s arming of the Mujahideen and also in the Rockefeller created-and-run Council on Foreign Relations, which says that it influences US foreign policy (oil wars).

The Rockefeller commercial banks were among the top donors to both Hillary and Jeb Bush in the 2016 primaries, and Hillary’s campaign adviser was the Rockefeller man and former CIA controller Henry Kissinger.

Kissinger led the Bush/Rockefeller-run CIA’s support of the coup against the President of Chile, in 1973, to protect Rockefeller industry from being nationalized.

The Rockefeller-financed (and Kissinger-advised) Hillary campaign financed the fraudulent Steele Dossier, which led to the corrupt Mueller Investigation, which was a coup attempt.

Kennedy and Nixon were both ousted by the CIA man E. Howard Hunt, who went to jail for organizing the Watergate break-in, and also admitted to helping the Bush/Rockefeller-run CIA kill President Kennedy and named the other CIA men involved, on video, in 2007.

Is it a conspiracy theory when they admit that they did it?

If you care about having an understanding of US politics, be sure to look at the list of many historic members of the 100-year-old Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), on Wikipedia.

The Rockefeller/Rothschild-run CFR is the hub of big bank establishment control over the Federal Government. It’s members include US Presidents, Vice Presidents, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, US military generals, CIA directors, news media leaders, and Hollywood movie producers, etc.

Any reasonable person with an interest in how the US really works would have to acknowledge that the Rockefeller and Rothschild oil corporations now control Iraq’s oil. They sell it mostly to China.

Brzezinski stated that the US wars were to control the flow of all of the oil in the world in order to control Eurasia (economically).

Russia and China are in Eurasia.

David Rockefeller called this “globalization”, meaning central banking control over the entire planet.

Trump repeatedly announced that he was against globalization, resisted the endless oil wars, and refused to start new oil wars in Venezuela and Iran.

Over two million people have been killed by the US in these oil wars, since 1991.

Congress borrowed over six trillion dollars for these oil wars.

If people don’t believe this is happening and that these endless wars are increasing military tensions with Russia and China, then they are deluded.

That’s just the plain reality of what is going on.

BLM leaders stated that they were marching against Trump. These same leaders were paid millions of dollars by the big bank establishment leaders.

BLM marches for the globalization wars.

All of the political beliefs of the Democratic voters are being used to give greater control to the big bank establishment over the Federal Government.

Joe Biden is a longtime member of the Rockefeller-run Council on Foreign Relations.

We can look up all of this info for ourselves

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