Stoke fears of election fraud then military coup?


Start paying attention to what's happening in the Department of Defense.

I want to be VERY CLEAR that I'm not saying this is preparation for an attempted military coup (for instance, surrounding the Whitehouse with the 82nd Airborne in order to stay in office),.

I'm saying that if there were going to be an attempt at a military coup, this is what the beginning would look like: A lame duck president who tries to stoke fears of election fraud while removing high ranking officials in the DoD and replacing them with people who are loyal to him personally.

I want to highlight five possible reasons for Trump last-minute installing loyalists in the DoD:

  1. vengeance and flailing
  2. cover for pushing through policy priorities the DoD has resisted
  3. trying to create a difficult situation on the ground for an early Biden Administration to deal with (like starting a war)
  4. distraction from other things going on
  5. preparations for a coup
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