Lemmings Leap 2 ,The Problem We Must Overcome

It’s not a Republican vs. Democrat struggle. If you think that either party is so different from the other, you would be wrong.

It’s not a liberal vs. conservative struggle. On one side we have those nasty liberals who, according to popular belief, are out to get your rights and make you politically correct. On the other we have those nasty conservatives who are out to take your rights. The truth is that we have no liberals nor conservatives left to speak of. But we do have neoliberals and neoconservatives who both have the same goal: make the US a corporate state that will rule the world.

The rich and powerful are meaning to consolidate their power and gain even more so they can be the ones to shape the world. What we see on a daily basis is what they want us to see. They own almost all of the media. That means that in subtle and also less subtle ways they can shape our thinking without us realizing it. They control what is on the media and how it’s presented. They control what is buried deep and what is not seen at all.

The government we have is not your government nor mine. If you want evidence of that, just look at popular opinion in comparison to what the Congress and other legislative bodies are doing. One recent example is our health care. About 65% of Americans wanted single payer but that was taken off the table by a man who was supposed to be a liberal and working for those who voted him in. Instead, we got Obamacare and now that is being cut to ribbons.
The plain fact is that we have been constantly lied to. From the Florida woman with a litter of kids using welfare to buy a Cadillac to the present tax cuts, we have been fed a line of bull and fed it so many times that too many of us believe it even when their lies are debunked. We know the debunking as “conspiracy theories.”

This psychological attack has us making opinions based on lies. Psychology has come a long way in the last couple of decades. It has been known for some time that when a person builds a system of belief, they look to find more evidence to support those beliefs rather than evidence that tears them down. It’s like our house. When it appears there is a leak in the roof or a wall that is falling down, we do everything we can to repair it. That’s why it’s so difficult to change a person’s mind about long held beliefs. The example above of the welfare queen buying a Cadillac was disproved shortly after it became common in public statements about the welfare system but if you bring it up today, you will find many still believe the lie. Tell a lie big enough and often enough and it will be believed and that belief will be difficult for the person to turn loose of.

These lies that we are supposed to believe are then used, along with wedge issues such as abortion, immigrants and sexual orientation or whatever they can grab hold of, to split the people into groups. The groups are then radicalized. At this point, the point where we are at now, control can be exerted in whatever direction and lies become abundant along with that negating phrase, conspiracy theories. This is how they break the people up and get them fighting among themselves while the rich and powerful take the money and power and run.
This is the problem we must overcome. Do not despair. There is no room for it nor time. It only takes 3% of the population to wake up and organize.

Nov 18, 2017, 7:18:01 PM

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