Prominent former CIA Agent Kevin Shipp shares details exposing The Shadow Government and Deep State

Many Americans from all walks of life have, over the centuries, put the well-being and betterment of others ahead of their own wealth, safety, and life, in pursuit of a better and more just society for all. Unfortunately there have been many less philanthropic in nature who have worked in direct opposition to this paragon path for vested fiduciary self interest or outright megalomaniac mendacity.

Kevin Shipp is among the former, he is also formerly of the CIA, a decorated agent, and a whistleblower. A very public one.


"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society...
...And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."

"I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds."

- John F. Kennedy, April 27 1961

If you've been wondering any of the following and you have an hour to invest then I encourage you to watch this presentation:

  • What is this "Shadow Government", is it real?
  • What is the "Deep State", is it real?
  • Is the constitution still legislation or just a historical document?
  • Does the US have a constitutional government?
  • Can the government really suspend the constitution during war time and has this really been the case since 9/11?
  • Does Congress have oversight of other branches of government's actions and spending?
  • What is considered a state secret and what are the implications?
  • Where do the tax dollars go, are they even fully accounted for?
  • What happens to whistleblowers?

Two versions of this presentation are below, they both cover these topics, and many more. Frankly, it will leave you wondering how they managed to put the "k" in democracy without the general public going for their pitchforks and torches.

Studio interview:

Live seminar presentation:

America is a great nation, but it's under attack, from within. Please consider resteeming this article if you think others may benefit from this information.

And as always, STEEM ON!

I take no credit for the video media or its content, all rights remain with the original holders Kevin Shipp, Doug Hagmann,, etc et al.

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