The Truth: Left Wing Lies About Israel

Palestinian lies are permeating into every facet of our college campuses. Again and again the world will demonize Israel and the Jews. Can't you see this is anti-Semitism plain and simple? The United Nations Human Rights Council has passed more condemnations of Israel than any other country COMBINED. Israel, a nation with women's equalities, LGBT rights, freedom of speech and press, open courts. The ONLY democracy in the Middle East is Israel, where its Arab citizens have the full rights of jews - voting, access to public services, representation in government, university access and more. The Arabs living there are free to leave at any time. Who chairs this council? Only the most notorious violators of human rights in the world. Saudi Arabia, where the cost of converting away from Islam is your life; Venezuela, a military dictatorship; Ghana, where they post lists of homosexuals so they can be killed publicly; Kyrgyzstan, where religious political parties are outlawed and muslims are arrested and detained en masse by a president-for-life dictator.
Yes, the UN has decided that Israel is violating more human rights than all of those countries COMBINED. Why?
A N T I S E M I T I S M.

6,000,000 Jews were murdered and a culture was extinguished because of antisemitism. Don't fall into the trap again. #StopPalestinianLies

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