What is happening to US politics?

Trump won, republicans won the house and senate.
News will not allow any sort of compromise, or attempts to work with each other to move this country forward.
The democratic party refuses to back down and allow the will of the people to elect their president (what they attacked Trump for threatening to do as unamerican).
The republicans are unable to stop stepping on their own 2 feet and have stumbled at so many opportunities to get something accomplished.
Our FBI and DOJ had put so much faith in Hilary, that they committed more crimes than those they are trying to investigate, and the only crimes they have uncovered they have not pursued because they were committed by the Democrats, the Clintons, the FBI, etc.

I could go on all night, but I have to work. I remember a phrase, ignorance is bliss. My one wish is that the Government goes back to pre-Obama era and takes a step back out of the spotlight. Our leaders are supposed to lead, not be public superstars. I miss the days when Bill Clinton, the Bush's ran this country and you heard from the president a few times a year, when there was something dramatically important to say. You heard from the FBI AFTER an investigation was complete and you found out the outcome.
This country has enough problems without those who are supposed to be running it, ruining it. Leaders like Nancy Pelosi are supposed to inspire our youth, but when you listen to the language, the hatred, and the pure Hippocratic nonsense that comes from her, it is not something I want my daughter to learn. It is no better from the republicans, though if they would elect more women to high ranks maybe that would give us a better chance.
Our state officials are running on campaigns of who loves trump more, and who will vote fore his agenda more. I am sorry, but I want a representative who will go to congress, listen and read the bills, make an informed decision and then support that decision back home. I don't care if you vote yes or no, as long as you can explain it. If I was only voting for you so you will vote yes for everything Trump wants, or because you will vote against him, then I would rather vote for a computer and save your salary and benefits. Computers can be programmed to vote a single way each time without flights, food, salary, benefits, hookers, or hush money.
This country will never be prosperous again. This is the saddest realization I have come to. With the invention of Facebook, Twitter, and all the others who followed, we have given the most hateful people a podium. With that comes those trying to help them, and then publicity makes the hatred grow. As long as half of our country decides they are right and can never bend, and the other half feels the same way, but opposite point of view, we will continue to destroy this country from the inside.
I will pray I am wrong, and I will continue to search for those special few who still understand compromise and rational decision making. I will vote republican or democrat each election based on who I think is more capable of listening and making an informed decision, and voting against anyone who is hoping to win based on others. If you all do the same, maybe, just maybe, enough middle line leaders will be in congress to force our parties back to the center if they wish to pass any of their bills.

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