I could have sworn this wasn't 2016 in ARIZONA

Now I must admit that I have seen it all when it comes to “Election Tampering”. Illinois and Arizona, yesterday, held their primary elections with unannounced polling places closed or NO BALLOTS available. In Illinois many polling places turned voters away for over an hour before getting ballots and in many polling places they were not sent sanitizing wipes or hand sanitizer to clean the machines with. Let me reiterate; “THEY REFUSED VOTERS THE RIGHT TO VOTE”. How is this LEGAL at the least, UNCONATITUTIONAL of the most glaring kind?
Now, while I can understand lack of funding closing polling places, heck, I can even understand the “Corona virus” scare closing polling places, but NOT opening alternate sites and closing down entire neighborhoods? This is only a repeat of Arizona in 2016! Now while I won’t point fingers and say this is a conspiracy, why not close alternating places? Why does the state only close whole neighborhoods in ONE COUNTY? Has THIS EVER HAPPENED in a REPUBLICAN PRIMARY? Has this ever happened to a CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE?
WHEN is THIS COUNTRY’S CITIZENS going to say “ENOUGH of the BULLSHIT this is OUR RIGHT to VOTE”? WHEN are we going to be tired enough of getting SCREWED OVER by the RICH and NOT SO FAMOUS? WHEN will the vocal, who protest EVERYTHING ELSE, begin supporting a FREE ELECTION?
WHEN are “WE THE PEOPLE” going to put an end to the BULLSHIT? Mitch, out

© Mitchell 2020-03-18

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