Forgive My Inelegance!


Forgive my inelegance as I seriously rage at the Democratic consultant class, indeed one of the worst enemies of the people in the USA. Only a slight degree of separation prevents them from being labeled outright GOPwingers, the worst enemy of the people!

They share a mantra: "Protect the six and seven-digit salaries and resultant perks at all costs!"

The newly-minted "Opportunity Democrat" progenitors should take their so-called opportunity bait and shove it up their self-centered "McRisistant" right wing corporate buttholes as an antidote for their political intent! True Democrats will have nothing to do with such BS!

The Third Way (Clinton) push for centrist Democrats in 2018 and 2020 is a recipe for disaster and will inherently cause the utter demise of the Democratic Party, which today is barely hanging together on a thin thread. The consultant fools still think they can throw and twist money into the cure! If course they can. The result doesn't matter -- they still get paid their six and seven digit salaries and resultant perks!

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