Why are so many people not very concerned about the possibility of nuclear war with North Korea?

In my the only one who finds it odd that we might be on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea, and most people don't seem worried about it? Trumps behavior continually upping the ante has been so mind bogglingly irresponsible that it almost defies description. His insistence on always having the last word has incredibly heightened tensions, and made war with North Korea a real possibility. I'm really shocked by how nonchalant the media, and most people on social media are being about it. There's a very real possibility that we could be in a major war by this coming Tuesday, and it seems like most people are not taking that possibility very seriously. I understand that it's probably not going to happen, but can anyone explain to me why so many people seem totally unconcerned about it. I would think that even the slight possibility that the world as we know it could come to an end this coming Tuesday should at least be cause for some serious discussion about it.

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