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Why is everyone calling Julian Assange a journalist...he's a computer hacker named 'MENDAX'!

When one looks up the word Mendax, two definitions are given in Wikipedia. (1) a genus of small snail (2) the hacker handle of Julian Assange, the computer hacker. When one looks at the definition of the word, it is derived from mentior (“I lie, deceive”) +‎ -āx (“inclined to”)

When Assange, will not divulge his sources of the information he releases on Wikileaks. Then, he is bending the logic he uses, to defend his right to know, what is on those computers; about the information that he hacks -- and so a double standard -- we have a right to know on one hand, but, not a right to know the source of Julian Assange's information.
And therefor his information dumps online cannot be queried as being completely truthful, or within context, or inspired and funded by a foreign agent, bound on attacking the United States and its allies, or a pysch-op to influence and fan the flames of public dissent within western nations.

And 'THAT' is hypocrisy.

If Assange is so adamant about disclosure, about our right to know, about transparency, then let him release the names of his sources otherwise...

Julian Assange is none other than a disgruntled SJW manipulated by some anxiety about what is real and what not real in his world. Rather than the real world, that is gaining in its conflicts.

The idea of privacy is an important right, both for governments and individuals. What the left and Assange are guilty of here is talking out of both sides of their mouth at the same time. Either they believe in the right to privacy, or they don't. And that some things, must remain out of public knowledge to protect the people who are involved in it... And privacy, computer privacy must extend to government and its departments, agencies and officials as well as individuals on a whole.

In his New York book party in 2014, Julian Assange stated...

"Everytime you go to a party and take a picture and post that picture to Facebook, you're being a rat. You're being a narc."

...Oh, how is that any different that his ratting online about things he has no full understanding of, or right to disclose of is that any different that what Julian Assange does on daily basis.

When Assange, claims he needs to protect the anonymity of the those who leak deep information, about governments he is a third wheel in the argument, stirring discontent because his masters seek it. Because anonymous deep throat agents have his ear...because he profits from it, in more ways that one?

Assange is caught up in his own self-importance, and self-deception and loves the clandestine nature of his antics. Few know -- or seem to care to want to know, that Julian Assange started his escapades online as a criminal hacker who steals other people's ideas, information, and intellectual property. A hacker who breaks into other people's computers and steals manipulates what he his own benefit.

A lot of what Assange discloses is primed by a very sophisticated Russia online presence in the west, that aims to disinform/misinform and out right propagandize or lie about the west -- and this only creates strife, mistrust of authority; it breaks down the peace that supports a civilized society.

Julian Assange would have you believe that two wrongs make a right. That his violating privacy rights and online criminality, justify his right hack other peoples data.

The West is conflicted and attacked on all sides for its values, and freedoms. It is at a turning point in its evolution. A coming to terms with its troubled past, and past leaders -- dead men and women, who have left a legacy of ideas, laws and institutions.

Julian Assange is Socialist who thinks he is speaking for socialists and too socialists. His speech does not speak for us all -- but to the socialist collective, who agree to, and seem to like his criminality as justice for what he does...steal. He is a thief. he is a thief of information and data, he is a thief of someone elses intellectual property.

In the Bradley Manning investigation, it was highly suspected that Julian Assange, was the one who helped a confused and mentally ill Bradley Manning, hack and reverse engineer a U.S. Army Intelligence password to obtain files.

Julian Assange protects his sources because he is protecting spys and Russian and enemy influence in the sociopolitical landscape of the United States of America. I not talking about politicians, I am talking about the country; the nation; the people as a whole; the Christian civilized west as opposed to nations that are not that...and wish America and the West to fall.

Julian Assange condemns politicians for their foibles but, is reluctant to look within himself, and find the very same things. And what are those things; carelessness, egocentricity, callousness, a criminal...

His need to -- for instance expose in the Afghan and Iraq War Logs, the goings on of troops engaged in fighting terrorism, is gained by the betrayal and espionage and release of some 500,000 documents by Bradley Edward Manning -- at the time he was enlisted as a soldier of the United States Army. At the time he was a 'Intelligence Analyst' for the U.S. Army in Iraq war, sworn to secrecy. Bradley gave a oath to uphold the values of the USA.

What has not been disclosed is that Assange is the hacker 'Mendax', who in the past, compromised the Pentagon; the U.S. Dept of Defense; the U.S. Navy; NASA ; the MILNET, and the networks of many other American and International Corporations and agencies. Julian Assange is a snoop, Julian has never understood the laws of privacy except when it applies to him , and his privacy -- his sources are private and privileged, but...only he can know these. Julian Assange places himself, higher than everyone else. Like he is a misguided religious prophet of sorts...

Julian Assange would hack into your computer, and not consider that a crime -- would you?

Assange has led a criminal life online, and is likely thrilled and titillated by his abilities to hack a computer and have it release it contents to him -- instead of minding his own business, and respecting personal intellectual property, and privacy. But, in the Socialist way, were no one has the right to personal privacy, no one has the right to intellectual property, he rummages as a thief hacker, through the files of private keepings of others.

Julian Assange is not, a Journalist, he does not have news media that he reports for, he does not have a history of journalism...he writes for no newspapers. He is a perverted artist that thinks he should be allowed to do anything he wishes, without consequence. He didn't even have the balls to take Bradley Manning place when the clearly, the troubled young man became his spy, and when caught, faced the death penalty, and finally a life sentence..

In 2012 Julian Assange stated ...

"The internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen. The internet is a threat to human civilization.”
― Julian Assange

This statement is exactly the situation that Russian propaganda wishes to put us in; wishes to spread in a western society, with the great help of Julian Assange, who is a threat -- the idea that the internet is inherently a bad thing, a bad idea. And why, because Julian Assange believes this, and it is the mandate of the Russian Federation's online propaganda.

The support for Assange comes from the enemies of the west, with Russia in the lead. We do not see from Assange the great release of documents and files pertaining to Russian guilt or past sins, or wrongdoing in Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, or the Crimea. Or for that fact any of the embezzlement and fraud that Putin and the St Peterburg mob has brought upon Russia. Or in any of political world game that they are playing in.

Why has Julian assange not spoken about the death of Nemtsov, or the Skripals, or why an imprisoned billionaire had to leave Russia? Why has he not talked about Magnitsky? Or any of the others who have been jailed, died or diappeared, who have dared to defy Vladimir Putin.

Putin has dominates Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union, well on twenty years ago, and he has been in power since, and there is no chance that he will give up that power. But yet, nary a thing to descredit or show has secret and criminal and dark, this government (sic) is...why is that Mr assange?

Julian Assange is not a U.S. citizen and therefor has no right to free speech in America. He is not protected by the U.S. Constitution. What is apparent is, he is not a journalist, an American journalist or a foreign journalist. He is a 'HACKER', a thief of stolen computer intellectual files. A snoop and one who violates the security of a computer system to gain access to a network or computer that he has not-received-permission-to-do-so...

Wikileaks is an organization as of 2010 of some five full-time people, and 800 people working occasionally without compensation, it has risen as high as 1300 volunteers without compensation. Wikileaks central was administered by Heather Marsh who oversaw 70 writers and volunteers. This is all overseen now by a committee, that determines what is pertinent as newsworthy. All owned and run by 'SUNSHINE PRESS'.

Julian Assange not a journalist, there is no journalism at Wikileaks. It is a dump site, for stolen online data. You might say it is a pawn shop, hacking it wares to MSM which pays him for it. And he was never a journalist with Wikileaks, he is a COMPUTER HACKER, a criminal who should be prosecuted for his long list of crimes.

His warped sense of what government security is something of nonsense. Soldiers and diplomats of the U.S., officials of the U.S. must be protected -- amongst others. It is not necessary that the public know everything about what government does...and your hobby of being a SJW, does not give you any permission to know state secrets. They secret to protect the innocent or those in harms way.

Some of things Julian Assange has done, and is willing to do...

  • His nonsense about the U.S. being the ones, who were releasing the Panama papers on Putin's offshore accounts, worth somewhere in range of $2 Billion.

  • Assange's endless hatred of the USA, and continued attacks using stolen online data about or of the U.S. government.

  • Russian intelligence feeds Wikileaks, in fact Wikileaks has been called a clearing house of Russian Intelligence on compromising material about western countries.

  • Putin and Medvedev have received what Wikileaks publishes before publication in the west.

  • Assange as a matter of fact, has hosted a television show on Russian Today, a Russian state-owned and financed news network.

  • Wikileaks in August of 2017 turned down a large cache of documents, containing information damaging of the Russian Federation...why did he do that, do you think?

  • Wikileaks has published Social Security numbers; medical information; credit card numbers; the personal information of hundreds of people including, sick children, rape victims, mental health patients, teenage rape victims, name of homosexuals in Saudi Arabia; passport information, identity, employment and academic records; information about marriages, divorce, elopements, and custody battles.

  • On hacking Sony e-mails Wikileaks violated the privacy of Sony employees, working for a wage, at Sony.

  • Wikileaks outings have compromised and writings have reveled at the attempted suicide of a Clinton Foundation employee working for a wage.

-In January 2017, the WikiLeaks Task Force, a Twitter account associated with WikiLeaks, proposed the creation of a database to track verified Twitter users, including sensitive personal information on individuals' homes, families and finances.

Oh, but that right Julian Assange is a journalist...

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