It was unavoidable, I guess

I have to say, one of my biggest dissapointments as a grown up is to have witnessed Scott Adams descend into the darkness.


Once somebody who was not only respected for his talent as an artist, but also as a political thinker. He's now become a narcissist who refuses to accept he's wrong at every corner.

Of course I don't really know when he started down this path, it could have been long before Trump came along, but personally, that's when I noticed his metamorphosis.

All of the sudden the world he's spouting that relationships are garbage, that ANTIFA members should be killed (wrote about this once), and all sorts of aggressive nonsense that made little to no sense to me.

His Trump Messiah

It's a known fact he's always been a political junkie and his Coffee with Scott Adams was an interesting stream to listen to in the mornings back in 2016 for me. However, as if it was some sort of fermentation process, I noticed him not only liking Trump (which is obviously more than fine), but become some sort of worship leader for the guy.

It got to a point I stopped listening altogether. Trump could do no wrong, his mistakes were not mistakes, and we all had it all wrong. He was perfect, a genius, a 4d Chess player, and these are things he would regularly say.

I will admit I'm not a Trump fan, but then again I don't like a single politician these days.

The point is that these political games should not be about cults of personality, about who's a better celebrity. It's about policy that makes sense, changes that bring happiness to the people, fairness, freedom. I don't care of you are a good demagogue, or if you have great catch phrases, those are stupid in my book. But, to Scott, Trump became the most fascinating thing in his life (his words, not mine).

Crying Foul these days

In the last years he's said that if Biden won, we would be dead in a year, he had the whole COVID thing completely wrong, and instead of accepting it, he mocked those who warned him and played victim over and over when he got called out.

His recent remarks on race issues has tipped the glass over, and he's found himself out of a job it seems.

One would think that his advice, telling white people, to stay the hell away from blacks, as they are a hate group, would be something astoundingly stupid that he should know would backfire, but, and here's the kicker:

He claims that nobody has disagreed with him about his advice, and yet they are cancelling him anyways.


It's like he learnt it from Trump himself, If you fuck up, double down, pretend you are right and twist logic in any way possible. (Trump is the Sensei of this move) to serve your position.

Person 1: Scott, putting all blacks in a box and calling them a hate group is not just racist, it hurts race relations and feeds the white nationalists narrative.

Scott: Yet I see no disagreement with what I said here.

This is basically his twitter interactions right now


As you might imagine, he's gotten dropped from newspapers, publishers and even his new book is possibly not going to happen anymore. He blames Cancel culture, of course. But that's the most shallow and stupid analysis there is.

What happened here is simple, and something he advocates for: Capitalism.

If you damage your image, if you damage the product that you are, then I, as a publisher, don't see value in you anymore.

Pure capitalism there...

How is this so hard to see for "the genius"

Where will this end?

It's like watching a building come crashing down floor by floor one day at a time.


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