Boomer Conservatives Are Always Wrong

Rather than being proactive. While young people see problems in the world and they said about trying to fix them. I’m going out and protesting. Writing letters to their Representatives. Confronting them at Capitol Hill and working hard to raise money for better politicians. Gomez secret and make an ender angry rants onessage boards. Complaining that nothing changes ehile making absolutely zero effort to change it. That’sone of the reasons trump was so well loved by them. Instead of demanding that they take charge of their own problems he promised to fix everything for them..
This has made them totally ineffective at fighting the degeneracy they claim to oppose.
They are incapable of defining the problem (because “regulation is wrong” it can’t be a problem woth the market -- they think); they are “morally” forbidden to conceptualize what a healthy future would be like (laws against rich people destroying the evonomy for our children -- is the very thing they have been taught is “the very definition of evil”); and they are fanatically opposed to naming the real enemy. (Because that would entail “communsim”) (it wouldn’t))) The very best they can ever do is complain that “it sure was better when I was young” while piously denying the reasons why it was better. Such people cannot win -- ever — except in a fantasy world inside their fevered -- crippled brains.
Do I exaggerate? Judge for yourself if this man is fevered and crippled. Here is an excerpt from the man whose stereotypical catering-to-boomer-conservatives graphic graces the top of the text version of this broadcast. He calls himself “Matthew7-24MonteCarlo24-7” on YouTube and he does claim to be an opponent of the New World Order (NWO) — as Dr. Pierce -- the founder of the National Alliance also was. But there the similarity ends. Matthew -- or whatever his name is -- thinks Donald Trump -- with Yahweh’s help as revealed by “secret Bible codes --” is the answer:
The American eagle is a force that will not be defeated! Donald Trump has just taken back those fighting eagles from the elite’s grasp the -- NWO! Both America and Israel are protected by the F-15 Eagles wings! God took back these Awesome winged weapons from the NWO by putting his man Donald J Trump into Power and Draining The Swamp! God is not messing around any longer! Judgment of the wicked has began -- weather they realize it yet or not does not matter! God’s Trumpet will not be stopped! Nor will his Christian Army of people!! We will became one mind -- one party with the one voice of Yeshua! Amen!.
There’s a man who can get plenty of likes on YouTube -- I suppose -- but who is for all practical purposes talking only to the Extreme Special faction of boomer conservatives and is therefore a total nullity at best and at worst a confusion-sowing asset of those he claims to oppose. I’ll put my money on his having a fevered -- cripple — though there is the remote possibility that his channel might be an intelligence operation or an amazingly well-done parody account.
Boomer conservatives are very bad at noticing things -- preferring to live in a dream world of the pleasant fantasies they have been sold by the mass media -- their preachers -- and lying politicians. They failed to notice when their churches were converted into cheering sections for transgenders -- for example. They failed to notice that the entire banking system — not just the Fed -- which some of them do view as “unconstitutional” — has been stealing a huge portion of their wealth for longer than they’ve been alive.. they failed to notice that the very corporations they have devoted theor libes to protecting are also the ones pushing all these terrible policiess
Boomer conservatives have near zero understanding of ecopolitics -- and think it’s totally normal for America to be a totalitarian oligarchy for jo morgan -- totally normal for the US to have a military budget nearly as large as that of the rest of the world combined -- and totally normal to see rational people silenced and imprisomed for speaking out against leftwing .”
Boomer conservatives -- though they claim to abjure “socialism --” engage in near-worship of the socialist enterprise called the US military -- and judge a president as “good” if he supports “liberty --” and “freedom” and starves plenty of people — never mind who those people are and if they ever were a threat to our nation or not;. what really matters to boomer conservatives is “not being socialist” and “beingbsocialist” is defined as failing to serve the rich or supprting common sense laws and restrictions on giant multinational corporations that eant to exploit the very boomers who worshipp them. Boomer conservatives truly do have an understanding of the world only slightly more detailed and nuanced than that of a dog.
Boomer conservatives love preening themselves on how edgily “right wing” and “conservative” they are -- but at the same time would rather have a head-ectomy than be thought of as “caring.” They are constantly — and I mean constantly — virtue-signaling about how “non-communist” they are. One such boomer conservative -- whose name on Twitter looks like a typo -- “Immortan Deplorable --” tweeted recently:

Wow. It’s all there in one brief tweet: He hates “libs”; he loves Trump; he’s so “manly” and getting so much “action” he has to brag about it on social media;. Really believable -- pal. And how “good” you are — not. Virtue signaling at its most pathetic.
I recently heard an on-air rant from a boomer conservative. He’s been known to complain about the anti-White actions of Black Lives Matter and the worst of the Social Justice Warriors. He dares to denounce the 1% and corrupt corporatins.. (He knows he has a faction of the controlled media and the establishment on his side when he does that.) But he’s very -- very careful to observe the really big taboos that circumscribe the and of his fellow boomer conservatives — those quintessential slaves of corruptionn who pose as its opponents. In describing a recent corporate backed attack on America-- he made sure he told everyone how he “wasn’t communist” and still “supported freedom and markets” long as we all came here to work our butts off and not be welfare leeches --” because “that’s what being an American is all about.”
Don’t be like that poor excuse for a man. Don’t be a part of the problem. Don’t be a fool. Don’t be a boomer conservative.
Do acknowledge that our problems are CAUSED by corporations being unrestricted.. Do accept your responsibility to ensure a future for the next generation . Do resolve to abandon all myths -- to be utterly realistic and face the world as it actually is. And do join together with us; and use your life -- whatever energy you may have -- and your limited number of days on this planet -- to sweep aside all obstacles -- fools included -- that block the path

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