Biden announces he will put 700 more kids in cages

Biden is breaking promises at record pace. The Democrats cried for the last 4 years that President Trump was putting “kids in cages” (ignoring that those cages were built by Obama), but Biden is now re-opening those cages.

On Tuesday, the Biden administration announced they were re-opening facilities that house the children of illegal immigrants, despite previous guarantees that those facilities would be closed and their occupants released.

The administration said the move is in response to the possibility of a “surge” in migrants, including unaccompanied children and teens, at the U.S.-Mexico border. The facility, shuttered during the Trump administration after media criticism over “kids being put in cages,” will now be re-opened to house up to 700 migrant children sometime in the next two weeks.

The difficulty Biden is encountering is partially self-inflicted. Having issued a pledge not to expel any unaccompanied minors arriving at the border, the administration must now grapple with where to house them.

Immigrant advocates like attorney Linda Brandmiller oppose the move, noting that “influx facilities” like Biden is opening, lack child care features and state oversight.

“They fall through the cracks of oversight which is why we’ve been very concerned about the creation of those types of systems,” Brandmiller said. “There’s no reason to warehouse these children in these potentially dangerous facilities.”

Conservative commentators also jumped on the announcement, citing what they see as a media double standard in the way they are handling Biden’s decision versus the treatment Trump received.

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