The frustration of watching politics today

I often wonder why it seems so many people don't care, or don't know just how corrupt our system has become.

They don't appear to be concerned at all about the danger we all face by allowing the corruption to proceed unchecked, and unpunished.

It is even seen as a laughing matter by many, shrugging off criminal behavior on the part of elected officials as something that is just par for the course.

Many feel the only time one becomes upset is when it is the other side that got caught (and in a lot of cases they would be right about that.)

Our Constitution is ignored, and in a very real sense it is dead. Government officials laugh, or roll their eyes when it is brought up. A large part of our society has been led to believe it is outdated and unworkable for our times.

I wish I had some idea what could change the hearts and minds of my fellow countrymen, what could change the reckless course we are on, but I don't. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of ideas, but not enough people care, too few believe there is a problem, and more than a few of those who see the problems prefer abandoning the founding principles rather than strengthening them. So, my ideas carry no strength to achieve the desired results.

At the very least we should all demand that criminal activity engaged in by our elected, or appointed officials receive the harshest punishment available to the courts instead of the leniency they so love to offer to each other.

But, again, too few care. There's a TV show on, or a sporting event. A new game came out, or a manufactured salacious scandal is "revealed" at just the moment necessary to distract us all. And we always fall for it. Always. Because we want to.

Being responsible is hard work, and being honest about the problem causes us to take a hard look at ourselves and our surroundings. That's no fun.

If we haven't already lost the ability to restrain, limit, and control our government we soon will. And then the grand experiment in limited, self government began by our founders will have failed.

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