Professional criminal cronies in our government

So I was reading and responding to a post about a Judge who placed an illegal gag order on the participants in a trial after the trial had concluded. Its an illegal, unconstitutional order. My response led me to this proposition.

We are at a point in our society where we can no longer expect the professional criminals who occupy the offices of government to be effective watchdogs over our rights and our public institutions. This isn't a partisan position, I am not more, or less confident in them due to party affiliation. The business of government has become too lucrative, and too insulated from responsibility for these corrupticrats to have any interests at heart other than to protect themselves from losing their positions. They don't care about you and I. They don't care about law and order. They don't care about our way of life.

This is far deeper than whether you are pro-life, or pro-choice. Right wing, or left wing. Democrat or Republican. Think we need less government, or more. This is about whether we, as a society, are willing to continue to allow ourselves to be abused and taken advantage of by people who no longer share the consequences of the rule structures they place upon us. You like government healthcare? Ok, we may disagree on that, but they, the rule makers, have determined no matter which of us wins that debate they will have a different standard for themselves than for us. Hate guns? Again, our disagreement can be argued (endlessly, it seems) but, they have determined that no matter what rule is agreed upon for you and I they will have a different standard for themselves.

They are immune. They are protected. They are privileged. And they are criminals against our culture, our society, and our system.

It is time to consider reviving the tradition of grabbing our torches and pitchforks and taking these cretins and crooks to trial on the public square before a jury of their citizens. They will not hold themselves, or their peers accountable. They will not accept responsibility. And they truly believe they needn't follow the rules we place upon them.

You can feel the mood of the public turning ugly. Both sides. There is a tipping point coming. They will do everything in their power to make it you against me, and then use it to gain even more power and more control. Its not you against me, its us versus them. They know it already. Do you?

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