A golden Time Bomb About to Explode in Our Pockets.

When it comes to protecting rights if one's right to own property is violated by anyone including governmental institution the citizen is already a slave of the state and as such their life has been taken. In the past 5 years a diabolic agenda, agenda 24, has been being implemented by the movers and shakers of the world. The buzz word for this agenda is sustainability. The word is actually being used to package a highly unsustainable technological dictatorship ruled by corporate interests that want to force extremely dangerous technologies on the people of the free world to enslave them and begin the thinning. They justify these demonic schemes by repeating such lies like humans are a cancer on earth plundering it for the resources they want and will destroy the earth if 95% of the population is not kulled before critical mass is reached. Agenda 24 will make it so that no one can own a home. Modular multi family buildings will make the ownership of land obsolete. Each city will be equipt with an equipment requisition warehouse that will only allow the citizen to borrow after they submit an application for their project and the project is approved. If it is not the person will not be able to have a voice. People will not be able to generate their own clean electric power, pump their own water, or grow their own food. I short the truth about the sustainable movement embodied in Agenda 24 is it is enforced codependency, and a Phycological unhealthy way of life the takes away your rights to own property and do with it what you want, inevitably leaving you a slave of the state and the corporate interests that pull its strings. If we let this happen in any country they will have already taken our lives from us. A government is formed by the people to protect these rights. The only way that we can make sure government is doing it's job right is to take advantage of our status as the employers of the government of the government and fire the public servants that support legislation or treaty agreements that turn us from the employers of government to government property against the responsibilities we delegated them. If we held read each bill proposed and called for recall elections every time we found our elected representative trying to enslave us we could have the republic cleaned us in two years. The key is to start studying the Constitution avidly, becoming intimately familiar with it and anytime a public servant does more or less than the responsibilities Constitution delegates to them fire them. We also need to dissolve any agencies set up by our government as help for responsibilities they usurped from the people. I can name a few. Our representatives can only make laws covering 24 issues. Our President, Governors, Sheriffs, and Mayors only have six responsibilities. These are to protect our rights, act and the ranking general in the US militia, suggest legislation based on observation, pardon those who were wrong fully charged, and appoint people to help them in the above responsibilities. There are only are only 11 kinds of cases that the supreme court can try. Neither the Executives or judiciary on any level of government can make law. That is the sole responsibility of our representatives and the Senate is there as a filter to make sure only law being passed that will protect the peoples' rights. Anything more or less than this is evil and the offending representative or executive must be disciplined through the recall or impeachment process. As we speak almost all our representatives, and executive are in some way involved in perpetrating this crime against humanity called Agenda 24. Are we going to continue to be incompetence bosses as our employee's issue us golden watches for our surrender to them? We could get them to represent us again if we used recall and impeachment properly and started electing people that we know instead of those that are chosen for us to vote for.

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