The rise of socialism

Men are naturally more conservative than women.

This makes sense when you look through the lens of evolution. For the vast majority of human history, men have been responsible for resource acquisition within the family. It has been the man of the house who "brings home the bacon". It is the man who generates the resources in society simply because the woman has been "big with child" for much of their youth - historically speaking.

Also, historically, it has been the responsibility of the woman of the house to spend/allocate resources gathered by her man, much of it to do with raising children.

This is the well trodden history of mankind.

With the advent of universal suffrage, where everybody's vote became equal, women as a voting block were a larger contingent than men. When a woman is married to a good provider, that woman will likely vote conservative because she recognizes that more public spending means higher taxes on her husband's income.

As divorce became more prevalent, the number of single mother households increased enormously - and continues to increase. This means the number of women with a strong provider around is diminishing and along with it the female vote to counter creeping socialist policies.

As the group of single, financially needy women grows, the demand for socialism increases.

Similarly, the elderly as a social group are also on the rise. The baby boomers have been responsible for the accumulation of massive debt because they voted for spending in the moment at the expense of the future. Put another way, they deferred spending on government "goodies" for themselves - to their children and grand-children.

The combination of the irresponsible voting of the baby boomers for reckless, "beyond their means" spending, and the resource hungry single mother contingent, the demand for socialism is at an all time high.

The "desire for the unearned" needs to be countered if we are to have any hope of avoiding a totalitarian future.

But there will be pain. There will be pain for all the single mothers who are reliant on government handouts, who shun men because they threaten their welfare payments, and because those women will have to take responsibility for their poor choices in life if they are to have any hope of succeeding.

And there will be pain for the baby boomers who have enjoyed the fruits of debt based government spending and a failure to save.

These groups are large. And these groups have clearly expressed their preference for personal gain over morality. Things are going to get ugly.

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