Government has no place in a civilized society

A civilized society is based on negotiation and voluntary interactions. Put another way, society is the avoidance of aggression and the promotion of collaboration or peaceful co-existence.

Government is seen by many as a necessary evil. People will become "animals" unless their innate evil is constrained by the continual threats of physical coercion. Government is the embodiment of this physical coercion.

This view is based on the notion that humans are inherently "bad" and require the continual threat of police and jail to "remind" them to be good.

Because that is the way government achieves anything. Through the application of "do this or else". It isn't immediately obvious because the application of force is so well hidden and not often employed. But think about it. Laws are nothing by threats of compliance. Do this or we'll fine you. Don't pay the fine and we'll cage you. Resist arrest and we'll beat you. You get the idea.

You pay taxes because if you don't, you'll eventually be thrown into jail. You pay property rates to avoid being forcefully removed from living on what is supposedly "your" property.

As such, advocating for solutions to problems that involve government intervention is to advocate for a increase of physical coercion. Given that physical coercion is the opposite of a civilized society, more government leads to a degradation of society. It makes society worse. It constrains choice.

Government is immoral. Stop advocating for government solutions to problems.

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