Dear Marxists, Stop Making White People Hate Me, In The Name of Anti-Racism!

Its not an issue

Firstly because it is not an issue, unemployment and the theft the world economic system represents, are issues. You are not addressing these issues, all you are doing is making a power grab, you just want to be in control of the money and you have demonstrated that you do not have the foresight to govern benevolently. All you know how to do is use force applied by the government and you do so in the name of peace, love and unity, disgusting. I would rather stab myself in the eye with a fork then have Marxists in control of a country's "currency borrowing practices" and that is all that you are trying to do, you are not for the people. Older people like myself know what you are up to it has happened before in history, we also know what happens to "your people" especially the activists and instigators, you haven't told them yet have you? They are too young to know.

In the wake of women's marches, years of fakestream news propaganda, communist violent protests and gradual subversion of government programs and policies. We have seen the meteoric rise in popularity of racism, but where from? from the left. Using your government to force the population to "accept" me because of my colour, will make them hate me (but this is the goal is it not?). You are not helping you are making it worse, fucking stop it aey! Stop pretending that you are helping us, it is disingenuous. I realise that most of you have no idea, but the people who fund you certainly do know the damage you are doing. You are contributing to increasing animosity between different groups. What you are doing is feeding the cycle of Hegelian discourse, which you have been set upon by the very people who you are against. But you don't care because the "end justifies the means, doesn't it?"

You are making things worse

All I hear is divisive race baiting, making white people (whoever that is supposed to be aimed at) pay for things that were done in history. There was time where I would support this, however this was before I could anticipate the future of such behaviour, before I could comprehend the authoritarian and never ending cycle of violence that this produces. Evidence abounds of this behaviour in the western society today. But here is my prediction, you jumped the gun, you saw trouble and you are making a push for the finish line, but you started your drive too early. You have made a mistake, because you could have probably continued your subversion unhindered for years to come, but now you are out in the open. The recent failures of mainstream media, Hollywood and your various spokes people, and general people in your community have exposed you. Your moral high ground is disintegrating before your eyes.

Opposite is just as bad

Now to be fair, reaction in the opposite to this behaviour is just as short sighted, there will be no clear winner and the loser will be the general population. At the extremes, Left and the Right are after the same thing, homogeneity of the population. One wants homogeneity through equality and the other through purity. To jump to one or the other in a reaction to the other, is asinine.

If you have taken the opposite position as a reaction to recent events, what you are doing is feeding the cycle of Hegelian discourse. In other words you are the same as them, in the sense that you are a collectivist, or at least inadvertently behaving like one.

If you are coloured

If you are coloured, or whatever, do you really want your government to make the population accept you? WTF really? Are you telling me, that you would rather people judge you on your physical properties rather than the quality of your character. For all the people of colour who happen to be doctors, engineers, laywers, accountants and those that have put in the work to create a beneficial life for themselves and their families. Are you going to be happy giving up the fruits of your labour to the government to fund ever increasing socialist programs? Nobody that has truly experienced racism, would be racist towards someone else, even if it was done to them. Saying that racism towards white people is not racism, is the worst kind of self censoring rationalisation that can occur. It is dangerous pre-curser to the justification of violence against people of different races and there is no justification for that.

If you are white

If you meet me, I ask that you reserve judgement until you get a gauge of my character.

Hegelian Synthesis

I hate to have hope, it means that you have not done enough work, research etc to know. Having that said, I hope that the result of the current dialectic, is people having a focus on individualism, in the sense that we can live and let live. What I mean by this is the foresight to protect the rights of the individual over that of the group. One requires force and the other requires understanding.


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