Academics Realise They Have Created a Monster

They know they were wrong, but It may be too late. At least for a couple of generations.

It was not obvious, even to academics, and this is why it can easily be sold to the general public, who are not academics, simply because the general public are not interested in thinking too much.

The Problem is Worse Than You Think

From left to right:
Heather E Heying Evolutionary Biologist (Brett Weinstein's wife)
Known for her study on Madagascan frogs, Heying resigned ​along with her husband Bret Weinstein​ from Evergreen in September 2017 after receiving a $500K settlement from the school.

Brett Weinstein Evolutionary Biologist
Most notably known for getting kicked out of his university by students who were more left then he was. The couple then proceeded to file a $3.85 million tort claim in July (alleging the college failed to “protect its employees from repeated provocative and corrosive verbal and written hostility based on race, as well as threats of physical violence,”) for a problem that they created or at least perpetuated by not taking action earlier.

Christina Hoff Sommers Philosopher
American author, former philosophy professor, and resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

Peter Boghossian Professor of Philosophy PSU
His primary research areas are critical thinking, philosophy of education, and moral reasoning.

The video is a short discussion of how the toxic nature of how progressive ideology has permeated university and has most certainly spilled over into private and public sector in real life. Weinstein introduces the subject noting that it has been brewing for 15 years and only obvious in the last few years. I disagree, it was only not obvious to him! I have know about the issue for 15 years and would say it has been brewing for the last 50 years. Of course if you are a progressive, then you will be blind to negative effects of your ideology (the end justifies the means), and constant deconstructionism will prevent objective analysis of what negative effects progressivism has on society.

Today they chickens have come home to roost, and even the progressives know it. Peter Boghossian and Christina Hoff Sommers are not progressive thinkers and are more conservative. However it took Hoff Sommers to make an objective assessment of gender studies to realise that it was pushing a larger agenda. It was not obvious, even to the academics and this is why it can easily be sold to the general public who are not academics, simply because the general public are not interested in thinking too much.

Listening to Weinstein and Heying talk about google, universities and biological differences (including culture), exposes that these two have been forced fed red pills. I don't blame these people for not seeing earlier, the result of what they were advocating for in the past. The techniques of propagating this ideology are subversive in nature, the arguments are structured to disguise the real agenda.

my department asked me to teach feminist theory and I sent away for the texts and I don't know what I was thinking, I thought it would be, you know, just intelligent debates around affirmative action and surrogate motherhood or something like that, and instead it was warmed-over Marxism, all of the texts were mutually reinforcing [...their ideology].
Christina Hoff Sommers

Most people who are progressive advocates don't even understand the implications, I know this especially true for people 20 to 30 years old (currently).

Australians are generally pretty practical. A sensible push back to importing these ideas (from USA and Canada) has to begin, otherwise we will suffer the same fate.

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