What and where is the Good Gate for Health Protection...that is not some ISM but actually provides for the General Welfare of We the People?

What is the Opposite of Privatized, Monetized Health Protection...? Like Law Enforcement, to protect and serve...how is it paid for; Lawmakers, Judges, and Enforcers or the Fire Dept...? Even the Military...in how We the People Pay for that Service and Protection...?

How We the People Pay... for Government, and that those People are supposed to Serve and Protect ALL the People...? Making possible Life Liberty and Happiness... or is it now the pursuit of Life Liberty and Happiness?

America spends 4.8 trillion per yr on healthcare/PRIVATE INSURANCE & EMERGENCY ROOM-SERVICES for the uninsured (an extremely expensive and costly, phucked up version of HC for All)! How much of HC costs goes to Profit, Advertisement, Building Costs, Elec, Gas, Water, etc. Everything that goes into the Privatized, Profit Driven, Private Healthcare System?

That has led many into Bankruptcy, Suicide, Permanent Unemployment, SSI etc.

So much so for what has become, the pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness...in a Nation that promised its people so much more and has continually promised yet continues to fail on those promises, the Dream of the Founding Fathers of America, the Land of the Free in a World lacking...

Every ISM is a proverbial Double-Edged Sword, that can be used for the Good of All the People or only Good for the few. An ISM can also be used for Bad and Evil purposes also..., "Where Profits can become the Prophet, the bottom line the Prophecy, possessed by the Demon Greed and Money the God of them.

The Greed, a Fruit of the Carnal Tree, in a Nation that claims to be predominantly Christian.

Whatever they choose that word to mean and the Pundits profess loudly to believe as Faith. According to their own set of morals, ethics, principles, and precepts; all Under Grace Only the Rock, the foundation and their Law. That they like to call "Family Values" while standing on their 'I am one of the Saved, vaulted Status" and you are not, you're all cursed to hell; demonized and dehumanized America, the divided House.

Their symbol of the Crosses, they worship and praise, instead of the burden and yoke Carried and Worn.

What Should be and needs be Privatized...the Government, the Military, Law Enforcement, the Public Library? How about the Public Parks or Privatize the Fire Department? If you do not buy Insurance...if you are robbed... raped... sodomized... murdered... privatized, Justice for all?

How GOOD is Vulture Capitalism? Or Cronyism... maybe we need more Monopolies...Too Big to Fail Global Conglomerates and MSM Corporations that own 99% of the Free Market? How good was Big Tobacco...How Good is Big Pharma doing...investigating itself to find a solution to the Opiate Crisis?

How good is the Government, when all the People are Corrupt...like the heads of the FBI... The People that are the Government as is any Institution, minus the Laws, rules, regulations, and Charters etc. that governs; limits them and their actions...?

Such is the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and even the Declaration of Independence...

Hate to burst your Bubble... America is not a Democracy...so stop trying to Spread it. A Democracy is 2 Wolves and a Lamb, voting on what's for Dinner. Or the Rich and the Poor voting in the next election... even though the Rich only account for the 1%, Who are the Wolves and the Lamb?

Which did Jesus preach and God said by his lips? Grace Only or the Golden Rule did he Teach by his own example living, principle and precept, A living Example... In comparison and Comparative Analysis... Who is Good and who Evil...according to the Judgment of Santa Claus? Who is Good and who evil according to the Churches.

Who are the Friends and the Other... Americans...Foes...to be Loved or Hated...

What do the Churches Say about Enemies...when they Preach Satan the Greatest of ALL... When Jesus says, do not fear evil...simply resist and it will flee... Love your enemies...Goodwill towards All... is the principle and precept... practice makes perfect...

Be the Peace Makers...not Destroyers of everything the Creator Creates...

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