The Next American Revolution Pt3 Breaking The Monopoly

Welcome to the third segment to the American Revolution series. In the past two segments I talked a bit about the need for peaceful evolution away from government, the evolution of our collective consciousness and the way we can facilitate these necessities

This segment is going to be the meat and potatoes if you will of this peaceful movement away from government. I’m going to discuss some of the ways we can move the programs that government offers into the free market and y doing so provide a better service than the government.
I wrote an earlier blog post to steemit explaining how a society without government can still provide police protection through the free market, and I’d like to quickly go over this. So, often the reason people will cite for the need for government is that without it many people could not defend themselves and therefore would be put in danger. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. The free market allows for the incentive of profit to pull people towards finding solutions to our problems. Take for example cops, while in a stateless society police as we know them today wouldn’t exist there could still be protection. Companies would start up that charge people a monthly fee and if they ever needed help from home intrusion or anything else they would call the company's hot line and the company would end “officers” to help the problem. Multiple companies would also insure incentive to offer better coverage at a lower cost to maximize profit. This is why decentralized free market security companies would be more effective than the police forces we have today. Also more resources would be put towards actually protecting clients rather than on drug prohibition, meaning less tickets, and other unnecessary things.

It’s important for Anarchists and Libertarians alike to come up with and implement these free market solutions. Since the goal is to re-create a better system that outperforms the current paradigm the free market is the golden ticket.
One of the most famous arguments against anarchy is the “but who will build the roads” argument. I heard so many damn people say that it’s not even funny. There is already a solution to that, already implemented on many highways, toll roads. Now, saying toll roads might not be the solution that we’d want to hear but from my thought on the subject that’s the solution I’ve some up with. If of course anyone in the universe of ideas ha a better solution than of course let the free market put it to the test. But, for now that’s one idea that I’ve come up with. Toll roads would allow people to only pay to drive on the road if they choose to, therefore making the funding of road maintenance voluntary, and would also again make for better roads. Because companies exist to turn a profit they would need to insure that A, there company was streamlined and efficient meaning useless government red tape would exist and B, need to make sure that their roads out performed the roads of their competitors.

See a trend here yet? Moving these programs to the free market creates competition, and therefore requires companies to offer better services at lower costs than their competitors.
Another government monopoly and probably the most important to eradicate is the control of money. Now, I know it’s not falling on deaf ears when I say that Bicoin, Steem, DASH, Ethereum, and really all cryptocurrencies are probably the greatest invention since the internet itself. They literally allow us to use currency without the involvement of any government. People all over the world with internet can use it, and there's no Federal Reserve determining it’s value. I don’t know the ins and outs of cryptocurrencies and I’m going crazy trying to learn about them but as an anarchist they are a dream. But, because I don’t have a solid understanding quite yet I’m not at liberty to discuss them at length just out of courtesy I might say something that is wrong. But, go out and get involved with cryptocurrencies because they will eradicate centrally planned economic systems and allow for a smooth, quick transition to a voluntarist society.

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