The Next American Revolution Pt1 Why Not Fight?


The Next American Revolution

At this point in time it has become evident to many people the the US Government is no longer suited to the needs of americans and our world. This has happened many times throughout history, Governments and their empires becoming too big and failing either through invasion or economic crisis among other reasons. Now there are many reasons why the US Government is nut no longer necessary and problematic to the growth of our world, In a latter article I will discuss these reasons in depth, but for now we shall discuss the next american revolution.

I’d like to preface this article by saying that some of the ideas discussed were not generated by me. This article was written by me and therefore not plagiarized, but some of these ideas come from other political philosophers such as Larken Rose, Milton Friedman, and Stefan Molyneux .

So, when discussing how a population can overthrow their government I’d say it’s important to properly define government. For the purpose of this discussion I will define government as an Organization that holds monopolies on defense, economics, authority, and holds a specific territory where everyone on the land is under their control, and enforces their laws and regulations through the use of legal force.


Now how do we initiate a revolution against such an entity. Over the thousands of year civilization has been around the only was truly effective way to overthrow you rulers was through violence. In fact the only time I’ve ever heard of a non - violence was the Glorious revolution of 1688 when king James 2 was run off the throne. Violent revolutions create a problem though a very significant problem if you will, what comes next? After you dissolve the existing state what will replace it, this problem alone has lead to the death of million upon millions of people. The absence of a state leads to what is called a power vacuum, where anyone with the balls to take power does and often fight amongst each other for control of the territory. To avoid this problem when dissolving the US government we need to think of a solid solution other than violent revolution to abolish the state and create a peaceful transition rather than a bloody cue.
This is where Voluntarism comes into play. Don’t abolish the state and build a new one, abolish the state and exist peacefully. Easier said than done of course, this plan requires an evolution of consciousness and the adoption of voluntary solutions to the programs that government offers.Through this plan and a few other points I will discuss in this series we can have a more gradual “revolution”.

Revolution of course isn’t really the appropriate words. Revolution means a sort of circular rotation. Much like the Earth revolves around the sun, every 365 days you’re back at the same position you started at. This is a new plan a permanent change in human evolution, not some system that decays over time but a new society built around voluntary organization rather than forceful coercion.

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