My Journey To Anarchy

My Journey to Anarchy

Being a Libertarian - Anarchist has changed my life. It has given me clarity as I learn and discover this world. Now, I admit that there is much that I do not know, many experiences that have yet to shape my character. However, my youth is not a reason to dismiss my ideas as foolish or ignorant. You see Anarchism is not some trendy fad that people “adopt” for some kind of stylish gain that award goes to socialism. Anarchy is a lifestyle much more than any other political ideology. I speak from personal experience when I say that this life, this life of Anarchy is the most amazing journey that I could partake. This has given me a purpose, a mission if you will, to abolish the state and institute a new age of Freedom, Morality, and Personal Responsibility

Now to give some insight on the beginning steps of my journey I think it a good idea to start at the beginning. When I was a kid I was an outcast for the most part. I grew up in the small town of Tappahannock Virginia I always felt separated from other kids, because of this I often did foolish things to fit in. As a result my journey up until about 8th grade was the same pretty dull, essentially selling my soul to whatever foolish notion might get me respect from my peers and then being pushed aside and even at times violently harmed. This went on till about half way through 8th grade. Then, shit changed. I can honestly say it started with heavy metal. Through rock music I realized that there were things about our world that weren't quite as they seemed, such as religion It was also at this time that I realized I have for many many years been an atheist. You see all these things have shaped who I am today. Having spent my life scared and obedient to whatever popular kid may cross my path then suddenly realizing that the individual person is far more important than the arbitrary trends or beliefs of the collective sprung me into a life long journey.
Skip forward to high school the summer after 10th grade having been in high school for two year I was surrounded by people doing drugs. Almost everyone in my high school did something smoking, drinking, or drugs or all of them. It was this summer that I was going to realize for myself the true nature of our beloved friend marijuana. The first time I ever smoked weed was being a fuckin tree in someone's yard haha. It was during a festival in our town called Rivahfest and a few friends of mine had some weed so we found a quiet tree and smoked up. Unfortunately however being paranoid as fuck that we’d get caught I didn't smoke enough to feel anything but the experience shaped my life. After that day I smoked about three times till school started. Once school started I was introduced to the deadly side of drugs. Hydrocodone was the pill of choice when I first tried pharmaceuticals, a choice that I personally am not proud of. You see drugs are on a spectrum there are many drugs that can improve and repair your life, many that can be done recreational with very few adverse side effects. It just so happens that some of the worst drugs you can do are prescribed to millions of people every year. Nevertheless I did them Percocet, hydrocodone, Oxycontin I of course think it's important to say that this was a very big risk that I don’t recommend taking. I smoked cannabis and took painkillers till half way through senior year. I never got addicted or entirely caught ( though I almost was) others I knew weren't that fortunate. I did however learn a very big lesson about our world, that the drug war is bullshit and even after spending trillions of dollars the US slave master still can’t destroy free will.

Larken Rose is a pretty big name in Libertarian circles I first stumbled upon him while looking at Libertarian-ism. I forget which video it was that I watched on YouTube but it resonated so well with me that I swear I watched every damn video that guy made. That's when I realized that politically I had it all wrong. Up until this point I was down for whatever trendy liberal garbage what being pushed by the mainstream. Free college, gun control, taxing the rich, raising minimum wage I bought it all hook line and sinker. I’m actually amazing looking back that I was able to listen to Larken Rose without the typical cognitive dissonance we’ve all seen so many times, but I’m glad.
After Larken Rose I began to question a lot of things about my life and the things I was being told by almost everyone around me. I of course could go on for days about the things that I’ve learned from listening to people. There was one specific video that really pushed the red pill. The documentary Architects and Engineers for the Truth about 911. Now conspiracies get a bad reputation for a plethora of reasons ranging from many of them being bullshit and many of their creators being full of bullshit, but this video wasn’t really about any particular theory. Instead it was just a scientific analysis of evidence that contradict the official story of 911. After seeing this video and many like it talking about logic and scientific facts surrounding that fateful day I finally abandoned my belief in the state, of any state, any government, anywhere.

Since then my quest has brought me deep satisfaction in life, along with knowledge and motivation. I’ve spent hours of my time learning writing and learning some more. Never an idle day when there is an internet of ideas just a few clicks away. This journey has also brought me to question other factions of life such as health, education, money, hell even working out. I am attempting to fully emancipate myself from the state and all of its forms. But, I still consider it an evolution, as I age I grow and learn more and more. Thus far this is my story, although rather dull I expect it to grow in depth and quality. But, so far this is all I’ve got as my journey to and through Anarchy

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