Huma Abedin's Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Kanye's not the only one with a Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

As you may have heard; Huma Abedin is taking Anthony Weiner back, again. You may have also noticed that, on paper there’s nothing about this couple aside from the political connection that makes sense. Abedin’s attractive, Weiner Resembles a chain smoking Ostrich. Abedin comes off as sincere and intelligent, Weiner comes off as transparent and strange. Huma Abedin is someone that you may consider to be your top aide when running for president, and Anthony Weiner is someone you don't want to be even caught in the same room with (definitely not the same room alone). The differences are astonishing, and the fact that she even considered marrying him, let alone staying with him through everything is even crazier.

By now we can hypothesize, it isn’t that Anthony Weiner is so bad at hiding his sexual proclivities, its that he actually wants to display them. He does things that almost ensure his exposure, no pun intended. These things include cyber trails of his interactions, easily-identifiable images of himself, and interacting with anonymous woman. The conduits he uses for his sexting melodrama also sparked my interests. Sexting a self-proclaimed adamant trump supporter for example, is a nice slap in the face to his wife, who at their wedding was walked down the aisle not by her father- but by Bill Clinton. His inclusion of his son in another sexualized pic, was also obviously deliberate.
After the last time however, I thought it was truly over. Ruining his own political career was bad. Doing it over again and yet another time while his wife was on the campaign trail with Hillary was extremely horrifying and cringeworthy. But I thought after texting an 15 year old girl and essentially destroying a whole presidential election it would effectively be the end of his marriage.

Yet it isn't. These scandals destroyed his run for Mayor of New York City and Huma’s possibility of being the right hand women to the President of the United States; which combined could have made them one of the most significant power couples in politics. So why continue? Maybe she likes it as much as he does. For everyone that has said Huma Abedin’s a victim of her husbands fantasies- which is half true- maybe what we’re not thinking is she’s a victim of her own fantasies as well. It could be at this point she needs the rush of being with someone so out of control, someone that can and has caused detriment to her professional and emotional well being.
After a life that consists of study at George Washington University, then craftily making her way up through the societal rankings to becoming the right-hand women of the Secretary of State, Huma is tired. She is tired with the monotony of the political spectrum and consistently keeping up a perfectly curated image. She needs a hero, no an anti-hero. She doesn't need Anthony Weiner- she needs his alter-ego, Carlos Danger. She doesn't need the Jewish politician who bores her to death, she needs the Hispanic (for some reason) sex addict; whom when equipped with his iphone and some unsupervised time alone- becomes an absolute unstoppable force.

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