A bit education is better then a bit more? Republicans hate Universities!

Higher education is bad. That is what US people think - at the farer right side of the political spectrum.

a majority (58%) of Republicans say colleges and universities are having a negative effect on the way things are going in the country, while 36% say they have a positive effect.
Among Republicans, there is an ideological gap in views of the impact of colleges and universities and other institutions: Nearly two-thirds of conservative Republicans (65%) say colleges are having a negative impact, compared with just 43% of moderate and liberal Republicans.

This is a very strong jump from last year, where the positive/negative numbers were mixed and 2015 where the positive views in higher education was (a steady base) higher then the negative view.


In the same way the views towards media have moved, with a whopping 85% thinking that mass media have a negative effect (while probably not meaning Fox News).

While the Democrat's view is fairly constant in the age groups, the older Republicans are the worse they look upon universities.


Is this something like "Trumpism" forming here? The notion of "I am right, and everyone who says something that is not my opinion is bad for the country"?

Since I don't even know where to start interpreting this, I would be happy to hear your thoughts on that, especially if you are a US Republican ;)

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