Electoral College and winning the election.


I'm arguing the electoral college with some folks, and I want to make two points for everyone to see.

  1. The electoral college was nothing more than a compromise over how to select the president, between those who wanted Congress to choose and those who wanted the people to choose. It was not created to protect the minority against the majority or the small states against the big states. Americans have been lied to by historically ignorant conservatives about this for a long time now.

  2. The idea that it's not fair that California, New York, and Illinois determine the presidential election is really just a claim that it's not fair that the majority wins. And that's a self-serving unprincipled position that these people wouldn't hold onto for a moment if they were in the majority. Had Al Gore lost the popular vote and won the Electoral College vote in 2000, as was thought possible before the election, conservatives would not have been talking about how great the EC is for the Republic. They would have been outraged.

So go piss up a rope conservatives. You don't have a right to win election just because the other side has more supporters. That's not how it works. In fact it's the opposite of how it works.

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