"Tommy Robinson" misleading the Gullible

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) was born in Luton, England with Irish immigrant parents.

He married in 2011 and is the father of 3 children, he's claimed that his "awakening to the Islam problem" began, during his 12 month sentence in 2003, for assaulting an undercover Police officer during a heated (alcohol related) argument.

After his release in 2004, he joined the British National Party and has since been part of a multitude of parties, including - English Defence League, European Defence League, British Freedom Party, and the Pegida U.K. (a British chapter of the German based Pegida organization)

He is a self-proclaimed Zionist and currently works for (the over the top Zionist outlet) Rebel Media.

He has co-authored two books - Enemy of the State and Mohamed's Koran.

Of course, in typical Zionist fashion, he concentrates and focuses on the demonization of Islam. (you know, the predominant religion of the people that Israel is currently occupying and stealing land from)

Like all radical Zionists, that I have ever encountered, "Tommy" can be very hypocritical and dishonest, while his massive support of Israel, can make one wonder? Who is he really loyal to? And who is his activism really for?

Hope you enjoy this "Tommy Robinson" expose video
(21 min video)

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